“Sounds good.”

With a fist bump, we go in different directions. I continue walking through the field, my eyes scanning the crowd of athletes, faculty members, coaches, reporters, and family members until I finally spot the person I’ve been looking for.

The moment Rebecca sees me, a beaming smile appears on her face, and she starts to run toward me. I open my arms, and she jumps into my embrace just like she did when we were teenagers.

“Great game, babe,” she whispers into my ear as I hold her to me.

“Thanks.” I press my mouth against the hollow of her neck. “It was a good game. No Emmett?”

Emmett said he’d try to make it to the game today, considering one of his college teammates was playing against us.

“He and Callie left to see Hayden. And then they’re going to Santiago’s to celebrate Thanksgiving.”

“See, Fernandez, that’s how it’s done,” Big J joins us, extending his fist to Rebecca. “Hey there, Red. Good to see you again. You keeping our boy in line?”

Rebecca connects her fist to his. “You know it.”

I narrow my eyes at him. My teammates loved Rebecca, and they had no problem showing it. Or maybe it was the fact that they knew how it irritated me to no end. “I don’t see why you’re complaining since you’re coming to my place today.”

Big J scoffs. “I basically had to invite myself after overhearing you and Walker talk about it.”

“Then don’t come.” I shrug.

“Hell, no. Did you try your mom’s cooking? That shit isgood. I’m not passing up on that.”

“You’re giving me a headache, man.” I shake my head and place Rebecca on her feet. “I’m going to take a shower and grab my stuff. Meet you out in twenty?”

“Sounds good.”

With a quick kiss to her lips, I disappear down the tunnel and into the locker room.

Since it’s Thanksgiving, and we won, Coach doesn’t keep us there long. After a quick shower and making sure Walker, Big J, and suddenly Franco, too, know how to get to Bluebonnet, I wave them goodbye and meet Rebecca, who’s waiting for me.

“Ready to go?”

“You know it.”

“I’m so sorry, Rebecca.” Monica, one of Mrs. Williams’ nurses, gives her a sad smile.

I slip my hand around her waist, pulling her closer to me as she shakes her head. “It’s fine. We all knew it was the most likely outcome.”

She put on a brave face, but I could see that this was hurting her, and I hated it. I hated there was nothing I could do to take away her pain.

Although her mom’s been living in Helping Hands for the last few months, Rebecca’s been talking about bringing her home for Thanksgiving. She was so excited about it. It was the only thing she talked about. And now this.

“Would you like to go in and say hi?” Monica offers.

“I…” Rebecca bites the inside of her cheek.

“We can go visit with her for a little while if you want,” I offer, rubbing the small of her back.

Rebecca shakes her head. “Better not. Last time, she got really upset. I don’t want that to happen again.”

“That’s completely fine. Would you like me to give you a call if she has a good day?”

“Please do.”

“Okay, no problem.”