Page 28 of Glory

Olivia somehow got her little fingernails into his hand and locked them in. When he swings his hand, he throws her across the front of the store. That’s when Teddy walks up to Olivia’s attacker and raises the gun above his head, aiming it at the jerk’s body.

“I promised Olivia that I would always protect her. You are a bad man and we don’t need you here.”

Before I can say a single word, my son pulls the trigger and within seconds the area between his legs is red with his own blood. My God, Teddy shot him in his junk. At the same time a shot can be heard outside. Moving as quickly as I can, I grab Teddy first then move to the right and pick up Olivia. Then I move my ass toward the back of the store, screaming for everyone to get down. Right when I hit the end of the aisle the gunfire starts, so I dive down, lying on top of the kids. I’ll do whatever possible to protect both of them.

It’s over before it began. I can hear all the voices I never thought I’d hear again, but one stands out when he bellows my name.


“Travis, we are back here. We need EMTs for Olivia and maybe Teddy, gotta take a look.”

I hear boots hitting the concrete floor and within a minute I’m being lifted into the strong arms of Travis. Seeing him, I lose it for about twenty seconds, then I beg him to let me go.

“Que, I told you I’ll never let you go but I get it, check them out see if they’re hurt.”

I bend down to see Teddy has Olivia in his arms, wiping her tears away. She’s turned away from him and he’s looking at me with huge eyes.

“Momma, what’s wrong with her? She won’t look at me and all she’s doing is crying.”

“Teddy, I think she’s worried about what you heard from that man. Lots of stuff happened when she was held captive and she had no way to prevent a lot of it. Give her time, Son.”

I watch as my young son leans into Olivia, wiping her tears off. He pulls her hand to him, placing it on his heart.

“Olivia, don’t worry. I don’t care what happened in that bad house. You know how I feel about you, and I can’t believe you think I’d be mad at you for something that wasn’t your fault. If we are going to be boyfriend and girlfriend, we need to trust each other. Like my mom and Travis do, or like Auntie Shadow and Uncle Panther. It’s over, Olivia. Come on, let’s get you checked out.”

Slowly she lifts her head, looking at Teddy. Then she puts her hand in his and together they help each other up. An EMT comes toward us and Teddy politely asks that he look at his girl. My heart just about breaks because my son is growing up so quickly. And he’s learning from the best of the best. Travis, Tank, Panther, and Avalanche. Can’t ask for more than that.




Watching people walk in and out of the grocery store, I’m just standing on the sidewalk looking at each face that goes by me. I can’t believe this just happened. What the fuck is happening to our country and world? For shit’s sake, thank God Taz and the kids are okay. I’m waiting for them to come out, don’t want to add to the mass number of people rushing the store.

Just as I see Taz’s rainbow hair coming out of the door, her hanging on to Olivia and Enforcer having Teddy in his arms, I start to walk toward them when I feel a poke in my side.

“Well, well, well, if it ain’t my dear sister-in-law, Nora. Before you even think to pull some of your karate bullshit, I’ll pull this trigger faster than you can even take a breath. Now turn the fuck around and start walking to the parking lot, now, bitch. Ain’t gonna tell you again. I’ve got this place surrounded and all it’ll take is a signal and everyone you care about will be mowed down by multiple assault rifles. Give me your hands first let me put some bracelets on, then get movin.”

That voice, my God, it can’t be. He’s in jail, has been for years. Or was he? Did we ever do a face-to-face to make sure it was him actually in the prison? Fuck! My mind is shattering as it hits me this could actually be happening and not just a bad dream.

I’m pushed toward a plain, light-colored pickup truck. The back door is opened and I’m being herded to the inside when he pulls me up short. When his front presses into my back, I feel the hardness of his junk and I feel the vomit rise up my throat. Oh no, not again. Not even thinking, I whip my head forward then back and slam my skull right into his face. I hear a crunch and he moves away enough for me to turn around. Even in handcuffs I am able to keep my balance enough to kick him in his balls and watch him go down.

I start screaming like a crazy-ass woman as I continue to kick him anywhere I can. His face, crotch, chest, and I even jump on his stomach. All the while the noises coming from him sound like a rabid animal. Hearing my name being yelled out, I don’t stop screaming until someone wraps their arms around my middle actually lifting me away from Oscar.

“Bae, I got ya. No, calm down, it’s okay. Nora, listen to my voice, woman. I GOT YOU.”

Hearing that crazy as fuck laugh draws me back to him and I try to kick him in the face. By this time Shadow, Freak, and Rebel are holding up Oscar, who’s bleeding from multiple places. When he leers my way, I see one of his teeth is gone. Good, too bad I didn’t kick the rest out of his mule mouth. He’s a fucking asshole and this time I will sit in with Shadow until we get everything we need.

“Way to go, whore. You just signed Lilly and Angel’s death certificates. It’s about time anyway, because your daughter is as much a pain in the ass as you were, only worse. I’m sick of hearing her whining and excuses for everything. Better this way. I’ll find another, maybe little Olivia, though I’ve already had a taste of that pure little one. Delicious.”

One moment Sebastian is holding me up, the next he’s pushing me into Avalanche. I’ve never seen a person move so fast. One minute he was right in front of me, the next he has Oscar in a chokehold with one arm, while the other hand has reached between Oscar’s legs, and in a blink of an eye my brother-in-law is wailing like a bitch. Not sure what Sebastian did but it’s mighty painful for sure.

“I never want to hear you say that little girl’s name again. In fact, I don’t want to even hear your voice unless you’re asked a question, you demented motherfucker. Now you can nod and we can move this on, or I can give you to Shadow, Rebel, and Wrench to play with for a while. No, I can see it in your eyes, Oscar, but, man, you have no idea what true pain is until they get their hands on you. So, what’s it gonna be? Personally, I don’t give a flying fuck. I’ve got my woman and daughter to worry about.”

Never have I heard a man say anything better than what Sebastian just did. I slowly, with the help of Avalanche, make my way closer to my ol’ man. He turns for a quick second then gives his full attention to Oscar, who’s smirking.

“Yeah, that’s right, you limp dick asshole, keep leering. Enjoy it while you can. You have no idea what torture truly is, asshole. I’ve lived it for eighteen months in the Middle East. The things I can do would blow your mind. So, tell me where you have Lilly and the others or else, believe me, when I start you’ll be begging me to stop or just end ya. That ain’t me bragging that’s me warning you. So, what’s it gonna be, Oscar, ’cause you’re at the end of the line asshole, just sayin’.”