Page 29 of Glory

I see Sheriff George walking our way and for a split second I worry, until I realize who he truly is. And that he’s also Shadow’s father. When Oscar starts yelling and screaming about his rights our sheriff walks right up to him, slapping him a couple of times in the face, then pulling handcuffs off his belt, jerking Oscar’s arm behind him, and cuffing him.

“Deputy Yoggie, please make sure the prisoner gets what he deserves. I mean, transported to the station. Now be careful because I hear the roads between here and the station are in really bad shape. I trust you to do what must be done, just like when you killed that brother from the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood for harassing Glory over there. Thank God you have a badge, lets you handle the worst of the worst so our town can stay safe. I’m gonna get these assholes processed also. Seems like they are from that brotherhood, trying to make a diversion so someone can attempt to grab and hurt one of our own. Well, mister, look at me, you scum of the earth. I know what you did to that woman right there, so if you disappear and I don’t ever have to see your face again, I’m good with it, and I’ll sleep just fine. Thanks, Yoggie, for the help. I’ll be up to my neck with paperwork on all of those still breathing from the store. And for such ‘badasses’ they can’t stop running their mouths off about where they’re hiding out, the women there, and this asshole here, so he’s got nothing we need.”

Shadow steps up and puts her arm on her dad’s shoulders for a split second.

“Thanks, Dad, appreciate it. I might need to step in and give a hand to Yoggie, since we’ve not had any club business because of the brotherhood. First, let’s find out where their camp is so we can see who needs what. But before I go, need to feel that flow of blood I love so much on my hands.”

With that she goes right up to Oscar and right before my eyes she cuts off a part of his ear. Damn do ears bleed, because it was pouring out of him while he howled like a bitch. Then my sister Shadow grabs my hand and starts to pull me away. I turn to see Yoggie and Avalanche pushing Oscar toward an old truck that has Ironside behind the wheel. They literally throw Oscar in the bed of it and use bungee cords to secure him. Oh, that’s not gonna be a good ride to wherever he is going.

“Not far, Glory, to our clubhouse and my wet room. He’s going on ice until we can figure out and maybe find your daughter and granddaughter. Like Sheriff George said, those other jagoffs he was with are running their mouths off like you wouldn’t believe. Come on, maybe we can get something to guide us because, for fuck’s sake, there’s too much area to go over with a drone or two. I know that Pops’s friend and his crew are on their way right now from the airport to Timber-Ghost to lend a hand. And according to Pops, they have some ‘interesting tools’ they use to track criminals and find victims. Donovan, Pops’s friend, said to put your brother-in-law on ice, literally, and they’d do the rest.”

Before I can say a word, I see Olivia looking around from the ambulance.Oh shit, I think as I start to run toward her. She stands and when I’m just about to the ambulance she jumps right into my arms. Oh God, this little girl gave me the scare of my life today.

“Hija, my God, are you alright? I was so scared that something would happen to you, Teddy, or Taz. Is everyone okay?”

Looking down I see Olivia staring at me, her mouth wide open. Did they hurt her, for Christ’s sake? I’m rubbing up and down her back and she lifts her little hands to grab my face. She’s got tears running down her little cheeks too.

“Olivia, what’s wrong, sweetie? Talk to me, you’re scaring me.”

From behind, Shadow comes closer and whispers something in my ear. My head jerks back, thank God my sister moved or I would have cracked skulls with her. The same shocked look is on Olivia’s face but nothing, she’s mute.

“Come on, sweetie, talk to me or does the cat got your tongue?”

That brings a tiny smile to her face as she leans in tight to me, wrapping those tiny arms around my neck.

You called me Hija. Why? ’Cause you said I was cariño, which means sweetie. Now you call me both. I’m confused.”

“I’m sorry, Olivia, I was wrong. Yes, you are my sweetie, but more importantly you are my hija. Daughter, if you’ll have me, well, me and Sebastian. We want you in our lives forever, so that’s up to you. No, I don’t expect you to decide now but put it on the back burner, something to think about.”

“Will I get to call you Mommy and Yoggie Daddy?”

I hear the intake of breath behind me and smile to myself. Yeah, badass Shadow isn’t fooling anyone, that’s for sure. When she squeezes my shoulder, I glance back and see her smiling before she turns and walks away.

“Yeah, Olivia, if you want, but again that’s your choice. Now let’s get you checked out, make sure you are all right.”

When she squirms to get down, I put her on down and instantly Teddy is at her side, grabbing her hand. She looks his way and smiles. My God, what happened in that store?

“My son saved your daughter, sister, that’s what happened. We need to get them both checked out as they’ve been roughed over. Did I hear correctly, they caught your psycho brother-in-law? I hope to Christ maybe you can get some answers.”

I grab Taz’s hand, squeezing it tightly. I can feel the emotions rising up in me so it takes me a minute or two to say what I need to say.

“Sister, can’t thank you enough for watching and guarding her today. I’ll forever be in your debt and if you need anything, ever, you just ask, okay?”

“Glory, no need to thank me. Don’t forget I had my heart in there too. All I can say is thanks to the powers that be everyone got out unharmed. Believe me, I’ll be burning some sage tonight to get rid of the hatred that was thrown at us today. Now come on, these poor EMTs have been waiting for us to get our asses in gear. Kids, want to ride in an ambulance?”

All I hear are screams of yeah and it amazes me how resilient kids are.




I’m sitting in a lawn chair outside of an old log cabin in the back section of Tank and Momma Diane’s property. Half of these people I don’t even know, but because of how close I am to this shit because of Nora and her past with Oscar, Tank wanted me present, so here I am.

When the group of ex-military showed up in a darkened SUV, at first you would have thought it was a politician. Mayhem, the first man out, was huge and had a look about him that made me think of Shadow and Wrench. Then Donovan ‘Nova’ stepped out and I knew instantly he was Tank’s friend. Power exuded off of him. He never looked around but I bet if you asked him, he could tell you how many of us there were and even what we looked like. He went directly to Tank, pulling him in, not for man pound on the back but for a true hug. Then he stepped back and punched my president’s arm.

“Tank, ’bout time you reach out for some help. You asshole, took ya long enough. Give me what you got while I have my team set up. I put a call out to one of mine at Ollie’s to meet us here. She’s one of the best at this kind of shit. Think she already worked with your girl, Shadow. So this is the connection you have to the Thunder Group Knuckle Brotherhood? Good, ’cause I’ve got a ton of shit to share with you too on that brotherhood. We’ve had a breakthrough with one of our own in their midst. Yeah, can you believe it, though I worry about that brother. Where can we talk?”