Page 6 of Glory

“Bitch, get over here now. You’re done teasing me. I’m taking what should have been mine from the get-go. I was the first one to ask you out but you said,“No sorry, Oscar, not looking to date right now.”I believed you and thought I’d give you some time. Then what do you do? Gino asks you out and you jump at it. What the fuck? I wasn’t good enough, for Christ’s sake. Then you fucked him and had Lilly. Now you’re knocked up again. Your pussy is gonna be like an airport runway, but goddamn I’ve waited enough.’

“Seeing the Glock on the shelf where I put it, I lunged for it. Oscar realized what I wasgonna do and moved like a cheetah. When I reached for it, he grabbed my arm, twisting it around my back, pulling me against him. When I felt his hardness against me, I froze. No, this can’t be happening, he’s my brother-in-law. Where is Gino, why isn’t he helping me? It was like this maniac was in my head because he answered my question.

“Your husband is on the front room floor bleeding out. So either you come with me quietly, or I’ll go back down and rape his ass before I slit his throat while you watch, then I’ll grab you and we’ll be gone. Either way you, my little whore, are coming with me. Make up your mind now. Wait a minute, where the fuck is my lil’ princess Lilly?”

“I knew, Tink, that he would either kill her or worse, ruin her life. I did the only thing I could. I lied through my teeth.

“Oscar, she’s with my parents. Mom wanted to take her to work tomorrow as I guess it’s grandparents’ day or some crap like that. Please, can we talk about this? You’re Gino’s brother and family. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings back then but, Oscar, we have a family, Gino and me. Don’t do this, your father will kill you. You know that.”

“Just mentioning his father, he ground his dick into my ass then let my arm go, swinging me around to face him. His face was filled with hate and something else. True madness.

“Bitch, what did I tell you? You’re mine now, and when I’m done, I’ll sell your ass and make a little money. Then I’ll grab that little brat you and my brother bred together. I like them young, though she’d be my first little girl. I’ll train her so when the time comes, she’ll be ready. Now let’s go. Move your ass woman no games, I mean it.”

“Walking in front of him, I carefully moved down the stairs to the front door.

“Baby! My God, Oscar, what are you doing with my wife? For Christ’s sake, don’t do this, Brother. We can work this out. Come on.”

“Oscar stopped and looked at his brother on the floor, bleeding from—God, I don’t even know—he’s covered in blood. His face is pale and he’s starting to tremble.

“Gino, I’m gonna give you a choice. Either you let me take this bitch and I let you live. Or I’ll still take her anyway after I cap your ass and go to this bitch’s momma’s house tomorrow and grab your brat. Those are your options so pick, Brother.”

“I watched Gino whose face was filled with so much pain. I knew before he said it what his decision was. I would do the same if I was in his position.

“Oscar, leave Lilly alone. I’ve had my fill of this whore, so go ahead take her. Just know I’m not gonna lie when everyone wants to know what happened. You hear me, Brother, Mom and Dad will know it was you.”

“No, dear brother, they won’t. They’re getting cold on their kitchen floor. So might want to rethink your threat. You’ll tell everyone this cheating bitch was hittin’ it with some banger and that’s whose baby she’s carrying. Make sure everyone knows she walked out on you and the brat. Now give your wife a goodbye ’cause you’ll never see her again, that’s a promise. But you will see me again, dear brother, guarantee. You now work for me.”

“Gino looked at me with so much pain in his eyes but didn’t say a single word. When he nodded so did I. The life we knew would never be ours ever again. Oscar grabbed me and walked me out to a van. He threw me in the back, handcuffing me to a bar on the wall of the rusty vehicle. I’m sure you can put two and two together on what happened next. I never even had a clue how obsessed he was with me. Oscar hid it well. I was held captive for two years, four months, seven days, and thirteen hours. One day Oscar got lax as I was cooking dinner. The door busted open and there was Harlow, Peppermint, and Mama. They took one look at the thick cuff on my ankle that was attached to a chain bolted into the concrete wall. I was never left loose. Mama saw that snake of a chain and everything it stood for. She walked up to me, putting her hand on my cheek then grabbed the hot skillet, turned, and threw it at Oscar. He screamed like a little bitch so Mama swung, hitting him on his shoulder. He went down immediately. The rest is, like they say, history.

“Well, I’ve done some reaching out and according to Harlow that jagoff motherfucker is still in jail. He threatened me that I would never have anyone in my life or between my legs because he owned me. Since I’ve become part of the Timber-Ghost chapter, I’ve not had any weird shit happen. Since I’ve gotten together with my Boo, late night calls and hang-ups started, strange stuff shows up on my cage, and stuff is left by my bike in public lots when I park. Now, could be anyone, but I’m afraid somehow Oscar found out and is making sure the threat he’s made to me is still, what can I say, real. I’m worried this will spread to my sisters and maybe even Olivia. Don’t know what to do, Prez. I care deeply for each and every Devil’s Handmaidens sister in our club. Not to mention all the families. I love what I do, but if it comes down to it I could leave, maybe relocate, just to make sure no one is hurt by my past baggage because Oscar is a psychopathic maniac. If he can, he will ruin anyone around me. I can’t have him put his filthy eyes on any of you or Olivia.”

I look at my right hand, my VP, realizing that’s the most she’s given me about her past ever, which tells me she’s worried and worse, scared. Son of a bitch, we can’t catch a break between all the sisters’ drama. Though this has multiple situations that need to be addressed. So going to dive in.

“YourBoo, Glory. Come on, you think I don’t know? No, don’t go there, I’ll respect your wish for now, but don’t think I’ve not had my finger on this since it started. Don’t ask because only one other knows and that’s because she figured it out before me.”

“Yeah, Raven found out and I’m afraid she’s going to run her mouth off to everyone.”

“No, not talking about our nerdy girl, Raven, but the other pain in my ass and yours.”

It takes her a minute, but when it hits Glory, I see it and burst out laughing. Her face gives it away. She’s got to be thinking that out of every one of our sisters, why that one? Glory is so fucked.

“Since you figured out who it is, she’s waiting for me to let her know she can come in. Is that okay with you, Glory?”

She nods as I reach down and type in a quick text. We sit and it doesn’t take but minutes and there’s a knock on the door.

“Come on in, my own pain in the ass.”

The door is flung open and there stands Zoey, a huge smile on her face. I feel so bad for Glory, but she had to have known that secrets never stay that way in this club. I watch my bestie walk in, closing the door, then taking a seat next to my VP. They have a stare off, which to my surprise my bestie shifts her eyes first. But her sharp tongue has not lost any of the fierceness.

“Goldilocks, you owe me that hundred dollars ’cause I was right and you were wrong. Told you it was a dick that had her head all fucked up. Now, come on, tell us who he is, Glory. All I pray is that it isn’t Big Bird. That, sister, would cause me to lose my motherfucking mind. Just sayin’ though, I want you to be happy and to get yourself some so I’ll try not to go off the deep end too bad. I could see why you’d be attracted to the man, he’s one fine piece of bird feathers. Don’t tell Panther I said that, please.”

I can’t help it; I break out laughing at my bestie’s attempt to try and put Glory at ease. And from the huge smile on our VP’s face, Zoey is doing a great job. Until Glory replies right back at her.

“Thank God you’ll be able to live with it, Shadow, because we got married last week and I’m having his baby.”

Zoey’s mouth drops open and her eyes bug out, which is scary as hell with that freaking skull tattoo on her face. Glory gives me a wink and, fuck me, I can’t believe she got one over on our club enforcer. Zoey won’t ever be able to live this one down if Glory decides to tell all the Devil’s Handmaidens sisters. I can tell my bestie is confused as hell and not sure what to do or say. So I decide to help her out.

“Come on, Glory, tell Shadow you’re joking before we have to call either Dr. Cora to help with the shock you’ve put her into, or put a call out to Panther so he can pull her back from the ledge.”