Page 7 of Glory

Glory actually lets a loud chuckle out then looks at Zoey.

“Shadow, calm your ass. No, I’m not pregnant or worse, married to Avalanche. And I never understood why you call him Big Bird, but now isn’t the time to ask. Who I’m involved with isn’t my biggest issue, though it’s weighing on my mind. One, because he’s younger than me—not by much—but still I’m sure some will have shit to say. Second, he has ties to some who are very close to our club and not sure how that will be received. And three, I’m getting some calls and hang-ups that have me concerned. Guess now is the time to explain why I left the Atlantic City Chapter.

“As you both know I was an abused and tortured woman before I hooked my star to Harlow and Peppermint after they rescued me. I had a really rough time trying to acclimate into regular life and they helped me. They not only rescued me but gave me a home until I was able to try and restart my life. The Devil’s Handmaidens Atlantic City Chapter literally saved me and then gave me a chance to find my path in life. I felt like I owed them and had nothing else in my life. Oscar was in jail, but he had hung around with a white supremacy group. They were growing and had some huge influences within their group and the country. Knowing the Devil’s Handmaidens club’s mission was to rescue trafficked victims, and even though I wasn’t trafficked per se, I was being abused, beaten, and prostituted out. I was speaking to Harlow on what my choices in life were and she offered to sponsor me if I wanted to throw my hand in to prospect. The rest I believe you both know. When the offer came to move out to Timber-Ghost, Montana, I looked at it as a fresh start. I had no idea where my husband, Gino, and Lilly went. And I lost the baby from all the beatings and physical abuse from Oscar in the beginning of my time in his hell, which I think was his plan all along. Only thing God did right was I never got pregnant from Oscar. And believe me that prick tried.

“Now I’m with a new man and Olivia is in my life and I’m worried like crazy. I can’t be responsible if something was to happen to either of them. And I’m not forgetting all of my sisters in the club. It’s been weighing on me, and maybe the only solution is for me to pack up and move on. Not sure where I’d go, and believe me don’t want to leave, but I just might have to if my back is against the wall.”

“ARE YOU FUCKING NUTS, NORA?? There is no way we are letting you run away because you’re afraid. NO, don’t, enough of you talking, now you’re gonna listen, sister. Goldilocks, me, and all the other sisters are here for you, but you need to let us in. Quit holding everyone at arm’s length. Knock that shit off now. There is nothing we can’t handle together. And you know why…because we’re fucking family. So what’s gotten under your skin so deep that you, of all sisters, think running is the answer? And who’s this spineless dick who would let you even consider hitting the road and leaving the home you found for yourself? Must be a real prick, your younger piece of meat.”

All three of us literally jump out of our chairs when a throat clears from where the door is wide open. I look that way and can feel the shock run through my body as I see who’s there and how he’s looking at my VP. Holy shit, Glory’s guy is him? No fucking way. Then he opens his mouth.

“Shadow, I’m not a prick or spineless. I can’t make Nora do anything she doesn’t want to. What I do try to do is support her in whatever her decisions are and hope they include me. Not sure why you think she’s getting ready to hit the road, as she’s the one who told me to meet you three here. Bae, guess this is you taking that first step, right? Would have been nice if you had shared with me your plans so I maybe could have been prepared and not thrown me to these sisters of Satan, no pun intended.”

Watching the two of them I see what neither of them are acknowledging. They are totally and madly in love. One thing stands out to me, so being nosy, I have to ask.

“What does Bae stand for?”

He looks at me for a brief second before his eyes search out Glory’s. The moment stands still and even my bestie for once keeps her mouth shut. Then he shocks the shit out of me while never taking his eyes from Glory.

“Bae means ‘before anyone else.’ And that is what Nora means to me, she comes before anyone else.”

I hear Zoey take in a deep breath as her head drops. Knowing her as I do, she’s trying to hide how much what he just said touched her, the big softie that she is. Glory gets up and walks to him, putting her hands at his waist, dropping her head onto his chest.

All I can think isdamn, they look phenomenal together.That’s my thought right before I see walking through the door there is Noodles, Panther, and Avalanche. When Avalanche sees Glory and her guy together, he looks confused for a minute or two before he starts cracking up like the lunatic he is.

“No fucking way. When Panther told me that skull anii' was meeting here to figure out who Glory was banging, I had to come and see. Well, fuck me, guess I jerked around too long. My man, good for you, you stealthy sneaking bastard. And you, woman, shit, Glory, you’ll never know what you missed out on. I got moves no other man has, just sayin’.”

He’s gyrating his hips like crazy. Those moves and what he just said has everyone in my office starting to snicker and laugh. Zoey is holding her gut, mouth open like she’s ready to puke. As usual, leave it to Avalanche and his magical personality to be able to break up the tension in the room. Damn, wish I could figure out one of my single sisters who would be a good match for him. He deserves only the best, as he’s been through enough hell from what Zoey has shared with me.

My eyes move to Glory, who’s held tightly by her man and my father’s favorite prospect, Yoggie. Damn, my dad is gonna lose his mind as I’m sure he probably has no idea. Shit’s going to fly, thank God Mom will be able to calm his ass down, eventually. Again a Devil’s Handmaidens sister hooks her star to an Intruder brother or soon-to-be brother. I can’t keep up with these women.

Feeling eyes, I look to see Noodles watching me closely. I give him a huge smile, which he returns with an eyebrow lifted up. I shrug my shoulders which has him chuckling. He knew what he was getting into hooking his star to the president of a motorcycle club. All I can hope is that Glory doesn’t have the drama we all had when we found our men.




Watching this group of people, I know they only want the best for my Bae. I’m worried about her if these phone calls keep coming. No one says a word when she picks it up, they just breathe hard so Nora can hear it. I think the hang-ups are worse because the person waits to hear her voice then waits a few seconds before they hang up.

I know Nora is worried about Olivia, but I think that little girl is in the safest place she could be now that she’s away from Juice. Between the Devil’s Handmaidens MC and my club, the Intruders, we’ll all keep our eyes on that little girl. And personally, I won’t let anyone near Olivia. They’ll have to get through my dead body first.

Feeling her close, I shift my attention to all that is Nora. When she’s right next to me, she grabs my hand and pulls me into her. Not caring who’s in the room since I’ve waited forever to be able to do this, I pull her up to me and hear her gasp. Holding her under the arms, I lift until she’s on her tiptoes. Then I lower my head and take my first official kiss in public with my Bae. Never thought we’d get to this point….public PDA. Feeling her smile against my lips, I lift my head an inch.

“Having fun, Boo?”

“Totally, Bae. Now what?”

“You trust me, Sebastian? First we’ll rip the Band-Aid off quickly. Ready?”

Then she grabs my hand, pulling me out of Tink’s office and down the hall. When it finally dawns on me what she’s about to do, we enter the common area of their club. Some of the sisters are lounging or playing video games, while the twins are playing pool. I watch as Nora puts her fingers between her lips into her mouth and a shrieking whistle comes out, catching everyone’s attention.

“Listen up, sisters. Gonna do this once and only once. This hot, sexy, and very single man is now mine. That means we’re together so make sure you lil’ honey bitches find your own man. That is all.”

Then she reaches up and plants a hot and heavy kiss on my lips, while in the background all I can hear are hoots, howls, and obscene sounds, until a door slams and a booming voice rocks the room.

“What the ever-lovin’ fuck is goin’ on? Yoggie, get your fuckin’ hands off my girl now. Prospect, I won’t repeat myself, so better listen and do it now. Glory girl, get your fine ass over here. Did I just walk intoThe Twilight Zone? Jesus Christ, is this the next drama in my baby girl’s goddamn club? This better not turn into the next circus because not sure how much more I’m gonna be able to take. How many more of my girls are left who are single?”