“My mom calls me Angel. The mean man calls me the little bitch and the other men call me mini tease.”
What the fuck? This poor child has been emotionally, verbally, and not sure if physically abused. Her words are killing me. Then she slowly turns around and I feel my mouth drop and then my stomach shifts. I can’t even comprehend what I’m seeing. Stepping back, I try to understand what—no, who—is right in front of me. When I hear Coma come back to get me, he looks over my shoulder and I hear, “Holy mother of fucking shit.” I look over my shoulder and he shuts up.
“Angel, do you know where your mother is? Is she here with you?”
“I don’t know for sure. I see her every day but the jerk won’t let us sleep in the same room. My mom said to just behave, stay quiet, and she’ll figure a way for us to get free. Are you here to let us go? Are we free?”
Kneeling down in front of her, I leave my hands at my sides.
“Angel, I’m not sure, but I might know your grandma. You look like her. Would you be okay if I lift you and carry you out of here?”
She seems to study me for a while. When she steps forward, I don’t move or barely breathe. Angel looks over my shoulder then back at me.
“You can carry me, but not him. Does he know my grandma too? And yes, please, Yoggie, you can take me out of here.”
I pick her up, trying to ignore the smell coming from her. Poor child, even if she’s not Nora’s granddaughter we will do everything we can to help her move forward. As we walk through the door to the outside, Angel takes in a huge breath of air with her mouth open. Then her head falls backward and she puts her arms out like she doesn’t have a care in the world. Just when I go to pull her back in, I hear a growl. As I go to turn around, Angel starts yelling.
“Mom, look, I’m outside. Yoggie and that man are here to let us go free. Finally, Mom, we’re free. What’s wrong, you look mad? I’m sorry, Mom, I just wanted to be outside. I can’t remember the last time we were allowed to come out here.”
“I don’t know who you are, asshole, but put my daughter down now. You will not touch her, the agreement is that you leave her alone and I’ll do whatever you want, no questions. Come here, my Angel, come to Momma.”
Turning slowly, I go to put Angel down, who instantly takes off running toward a woman in the doorway. When she steps off the stair to grab Angel, I know life as we know it is over. I can’t believe my eyes. Coma is swearing like crazy as I see Nova standing behind the woman watching my face. When he gently eases by her and walks my way, all I can do is stare at the woman.
“What the hell are you staring at, mister? Sorry, Angel, Momma said a bad word. Don’t use that word.”
“Okay, Mom, I won’t. What’s next, Mom? Are we leaving or staying? I don’t want to stay. Please, can we go?”
Angel’s mom looks at her daughter then directly at me. Again, she asks the question of why I am staring at her. This time I answer.
“Well, I think I know your mom. No, give me a minute. You’re Lilly and your mom is Norabelle or as we all know her as Nora. Right?”
Trying to get dinner together, I’m surprised when Taz shows up to drop Olivia off. I thought Sebastian was picking her up after he visited with Tank. Something must have come up. He’s been busting his ass with his club with the president down.
“Taz, you want a glass of wine? I’m having one, been a hell of a week. And that one right there is having some troubles. Hey, Olivia, go wash up then you can help me with dinner. Thanks, beauty.”
Watching my girl head off to the bathroom, I turn to my sister, looking for her sidekick.
“Where’s Teddy, Taz? Can’t remember when I haven’t seen the two of you together.”
“Teddy went with Travis, who was taking Tuna to the vet again. Her bloodwork came back off and she’s not feeling good, I can tell. Think she’s lost some weight, so better safe than sorry. Yeah, I’ll take a small glass of wine, if you don’t mind. Where’s Yoggie?”
“Working late again. He’s really trying to help keep the Intruders running, I’m sure, just like Enforcer. Momma Diane told me Tank is chomping at the bit to get back to work. I hope soon we can get back to our crazy normal instead of whatever this is. Yoggie said Sheriff George is now working with a special unit that Nova hooked him up with that is working exclusively to end the Thunder Club Knuckle Brotherhood. Seems like they have been slowly breaking up different branches, I guess you’d call it. Some of those who are being arrested are people in power. Police, politicians, business owners, along with doctors, teachers, and even judges. So, seems like we might get our wish sooner rather than later.”
Olivia comes skipping out, pulling her step stool over to help me with dinner. Tonight, we are having pasta with homemade meatballs. I’m working on making a salad and garlic bread. Taz takes over the bread while Olivia and I start getting the vegetables cut up for the salad. We are having a good time laughing and giggling. Olivia has us in stitches with antics that are all Teddy and Olivia.Puppy love is so refreshing, I think to myself.
I hear a phone ringing and watch Taz pick up her cell and answer it. She turns and walks to the family room, now whispering. When she looks over her shoulder and sees me watching her, she gives me a smile. Something is definitely up. She hangs up and comes back to where we are finishing up the salad.
“Well, Tuna’s blood work is worse than we thought. Damn it, give me a minute.”
She turns and I see her shoulders start to shake.Oh no,I think as I move to her side. Olivia watches and does the same thing but walks to her other side. I give her time.
“Sorry, sister. Travis said the vet is almost positive Tuna has lymphoma. I don’t know what’s next, but Teddy already told Travis we are doing whatever it takes because we aren’t quitters. Then he busted out crying, so Travis is trying to console him. I need a break for something good to happen to us, Glory. It can’t always be bad, can it?”