Page 33 of Glory

As we figure out our plans for the evening my mind drifts, wondering what Lilly is doing at that moment. These thoughts are driving me insane, though there’s nothing I can do.




My body is screaming from using muscles I’ve not used in a while. The last week or so I’ve been taking care of business at our clubhouse, trying to make sure nothing slips by us with Tank down and out. I’m also very involved with keeping him in the loop and asking for help on shit like paperwork I don’t know anything about.

All the brothers have been pretty cool. Well, with the exception of Malice. Something crawled up his ass and died. He’s been a major dick to everyone for quite a while now. Nora’s right, it’s from when he went off on Tink and she whipped his ass. Why I’m blessed today to get his attitude, don’t know, but I’ve had enough.

“Brother, what is your goddamn problem? Either be a man and step up to the plate so we can deal with it or get the fuck outta here.”

He looks at me all snarky like. Whatever, I don’t have time. Need to get to Taz and Enforcer’s place before four thirty because the kids have a Zoom with their therapist, who wants all of the parents to be on this video call. When Olivia and Teddy asked me to come, I was shocked, though I think I hid it well. Told them definitely and I don’t plan to break it. Didn’t catch Malice’s reply, so I ask him to repeat it. A mean grin appears on his face.

“What, sucking up to Tank ain’t enough, now you gotta get in tight with Enforcer? For someone who just got a patch, your movin’ up the ranks pretty goddamn fast. Don’t leave much for the rest of us.”

Since I don’t have a clue what he’s talking about, I just ask him.

“Malice, don’t have a clue what your rantin’ and ravin’ about. I’m just trying to help out because our prez is out. That’s it, I’m not asking for anything else. And for your information, ‘brother,’ I don’t suck up to anyone and definitely don’t kiss ass.”

Before I can say another word my phone rings and when I look down, I see Nova’s name above the number. I give Malice a wait finger and pick up the call.

“Hey, Nova, whatcha need, brother?”

“Yoggie, my God, brother, I don’t believe my eyes. I need you to get here as quick as you can. Come alone, and don’t say a thing right now. Anyone around you?”

“Yeah, I’m in the clubhouse, a bunch of brothers are here. Actually, was just talking to Malice, but it can wait. I gotta go to Tank’s, need his help with some shit. Then the kids have therapy. Yeah, okay, I’ll tell Tank when I see him. Talk to you later.”

“Malice, gonna have to catch you later. If I don’t leave and get Tank to go over this shit, I’ll miss the kids’ therapy. Just back off, brother, I’m not trying to step over anyone. Later.”

I don’t even give him a chance to reply but walk right to the bar area, grabbing the bunch of files I laid down. I walk outta the clubhouse to my truck, get into it, and throw the files on the passenger seat, reaching for my phone.

“Nova, I’m in my truck. Where am I going?”

“Yoggie, check your texts. I sent coordinates. I have no fucking clue where we are in the middle of fucking nowhere. It’s about thirty-five minutes from the ranch. I’ll be waiting.”

What the hell is with all the secrecy shit? I want our lives to get back to the normal crazy ’cause this level of insanity is wearing me down. Nora and I are finally settled from the grocery store bullshit and Oscar. My Bae had to talk to the therapist a couple of sessions because the nightmares came back in full force after that son of Satan was disposed of like the bastard he was. I can’t imagine all the damage Oscar has caused over his lifetime.

As I put the information into my phone, I follow the directions to where it tells me to turn left, but I don’t see a road. Slowing down, I go to turn and see where the tall grasses separate. Taking a chance, I move forward and see where other vehicles have gone down. Downshifting, I continue forward until the tree cover starts to separate. It’s dark under the cover of trees with peeks of lights shifting in. As the dirt road curves the trees open up and, holy fuck, in front of me is a bunch of buildings. Not old but definitely not new either. As I continue, that’s when I see a bunch of trucks off to the side.

Before I even come to a stop, Coma walks over to the truck. I open the door and he waits ’til I’m on the ground.

“Brace, brother, this shit is beyond deranged. Seen and done a lot but this even shocked me. Nova is trying to take care of something, so he told me to show you what we found so far.”

“Coma, I drove like a maniac for you to show me around a deserted bunch of buildings in the middle of bumfuck nowhere? Come on, man, life is knocking my ass down and this won’t be helping, that’s for sure.”

“Who said this place is deserted, Yoggie? Come on, I’ll show you what I’m talking about. We’re waiting on one of Tink’s transport trucks so we can start moving people out. Yeah, dude, I said people.”

Following Coma through a door, the smell hits me first. A mix between body smells, exertion, and something I can’t make out. The first room we come to there is probably five or so adults cowering in the corner, hanging on to each other. They are wearing rags and the smell is worse as you walk into the room. One of Nova’s people is in there so we don’t stop but continue forward. Each room has multiple people or children in it. We move to the next building, which is housing young men all chained to the wall. God only knows how long they’ve been here; they are skin and bone. As I’m scanning, one of the males is eyeballing me. I stop and he drops his head.

“Coma, have someone grab that one right there. Something is off with him. Put him to the side, don’t let him go on the way out of here. I’ll explain later.”

As we continue forward, I’m appalled at what I’m seeing. How can someone do this to fellow human beings? How these folks will be able to move on from this is hard to even imagine. As we move from building to building, people are begging or screaming and crying. That is until I see, standing in the corner by herself, a young girl, arms crossed over her chest, head down, leaning up against the wall. Something about her catches my eye. Instead of following Coma, I walk toward her, though she doesn’t lift her head at all. When I’m standing in front of her, she turns to the wall.

“Hey, my name is Yoggie. We’re here to get you out of here, sweetie. Can I ask your name?”

I hear her let out a small sigh. What the hell, does the girl have a handicap? Maybe she is autistic like Teddy. I don’t know. Then she whispers her name.