Page 30 of Glory

They walk over to the firepit that Tank had the prospect clean up and place chairs and a table there. The fire was actually burning low to keep the damp and cold down. I don’t move, just keep an eye on everything. Feeling eyes on me, I look up to see some dude staring at me with those dead eyes. What the fuck is his problem? Then the huge guy calls out.

“Coma, get the lead out now. Grab those boxes, let’s get this shit set up. COMA, now.”

The dude abruptly turns and walks to the first SUV, grabbing a metal box that looks heavy. I was gonna offer but thought not my farm, not my jackasses. That thought brings a small smirk to my face. I grab my phone to check in with Nora and the kids. Seems like Teddy stepped up to the plate and went beyond to protect our Olivia. I owe that lil’ man a lot.

“Yoggie, get your ass over here, brother.”

When Tank bellows everyone listens, so I get up and walk over to where Tank, Donovan, and a few others are sitting. Tank motions me to sit at his left, which is generally for Enforcer. He’s with Taz, Nora, and the kids at the hospital so they can all get checked out. Freak is walking up to us with his laptop, tablet, and a square box thing, along with his messenger bag. He plops down next to me and starts up his laptop. I’m watching, wondering if he thinks that he’s going to get a signal. Then he opens the box and pulls out some kind of antenna. He messes with it for like two or three minutes, pounds on his laptop keys, then looks to Tank and nods.

“All right, first let’s get the intros done. I called in a marker from one of the best, if not the very best, to help us with our problems. First, we need to locate Glory’s daughter. Next, we need to have a plan in place so we can start the process of dismantling that racist piece of shit group of assholes. So, goddamn, this sounds like we’re in school, for Christ’s sake, but let’s just go around and introduce ourselves.”

I watch as everyone gives their name and specialty. Totally ex-military. When it is my turn, I do the exact same. Nothing more, nothing less. When introductions are done Nova starts asking Freak to put in coordinates. Every time Nova tells Freak to mark, my brother looks at either Tank or me but he does it. Finally, after the last one Nova asks Freak where the last coordinate is. Freak looks a little green around the gills.

“Well, uhmmm, it looks like it’s well…”

“Goddamn motherfucker, Freak. Just give the man what he asked for, for Christ’s sake. What’s wrong with you today, brother?”

I watch our computer nerd look down at his computer then at Tank, giving him big eyes. Jesus Christ, I lean over and check out his computer. When I see what it’s showing, I immediately understand Freak’s nervousness.

“Tank, looks to be the last four or five coordinates all are within an hour or so from town. Though the last one is your house, Tank.”

Tank jumps up and as old as the motherfucker is, he can move. Well, that’s what I thought until he grabs his chest as all the color leaves his face. Nova, Mayhem, and I make it to Tank right before he starts to fall to the ground. I start barking orders ’cause we don’t have much time.

“Someone grab one of those SUVs, bring it as close to us as you can. Freak, put a call out to Momma Diane, Tink, Squirt, and Shadow. Let Enforcer know too. Everyone meet at the hospital.”

Nova is watching me as I rip open my president’s T-shirt and put my head to his chest. I can’t hear a goddamn thing. I put two fingers on his neck and, yeah, at first thought I felt a faint pulse but then absolutely nothing. I start compressions while they bring the vehicle closer.

“Knock down the back seats, Tank’s a big dude. Grab that moving blanket. All right, let’s flip him to his side, all right, need as many bodies as possible. We need to get his ass up in that back end.” In the end, all it took was Mayhem on one end and a few of Nova’s team on the other. When I go to get in the back with Tank, Coma comes my way, pushing me toward the front.

“You drive, Yoggie, I got Tank. No, I got Tank, go.”

Not sure of this brother, I have no choice since none of them live here in Montana. Freak jumps in the passenger seat and we take off. Thank God Malice is there to get them to the hospital.

“Coma, how’s he doing? Can you take a pulse, dude?”

“Yoggie, he’s as stable as he’s gonna be. He’s breathing on his own, but I flipped him to his side to keep his passages clear. Just get us there as fast as you can.”

With Freak on the phone, now that we have a cell signal, I’m driving like a maniac. Can’t let anything happen to Tank. Too many folks care about the old dude, one of them being my Bae. Not trying to think too much about all who care for Tank, I make it to the hospital in half the time. As I fly to the emergency room entrance, I see Enforcer, Panther, Avalanche, Tink, Squirt, Momma Diane, and Shadow all already waiting with brothers of the Intruders pouring in.

With everything else going on, the thought of losing Tank, one of the few men I respect, has my heart heavy. As we stop, the back is opened up and I watch in awe as Avalanche, Panther, and Enforcer pull Tank out, putting him on a gurney. Momma Diane is right at his side as they wheel him in. Freak jumps out to follow the crowd but turns and looks at me, fear in his eyes.

“Yoggie, good job, brother. If I ever need someone who keeps his cool in a real shitty situation, it’s you, bro. Take a minute, come in when you can.”

How the fuck that nerd knew I needed a minute don’t know, but I thank him in my head. My own head is down on the steering wheel when my door opens and I feel a hand on my shoulder. Looking up, I see Panther with Avalanche behind him. Goddamn, these two are always together it seems.

“Come on, Yoggie, let’s get you inside. Glory’s inside with the kids, go on in, I’ll take care of the truck. I gotcha, brother.”

Avalanche saying that hits me in the gut. Fuck, what is wrong with me, for Christ’s sake? I’ve fought in wars. Panther leans in.

“Sebastian, it’s called emotions. A lot has been going on for both you and Glory. Take the help that’s being offered. Come on, let’s get you inside. Avalanche, go pick up those boxes of coffee, we’re going to be a while. I gotcha, Yoggie.”

While Panther and I walk into the hospital, Avalanche leaves to grab some coffee to-go boxes from Dunkin’ Donuts. The entire time all I can think of doing is praying that everything works for my prez, my friend, and the only man who acted like a dad to me.