Page 31 of Glory

I’m sitting in the waiting area with Olivia on my lap and Teddy next to me, him holding on to her hand. She’s already bruised up from the grocery store incident, as is Teddy. Everyone is worried about Teddy, and Taz has already reached out to the therapist Momma Diane takes him to in Billings. It was agreed upon that tomorrow Teddy and Olivia would do a Zoom call with the therapist. Also the new one, Joan, at the Blue Sky Sanctuary is going to sit in with the kids too.

Now we are all waiting to see how Tank is doing.My God, talk about bad fucking luck,I think to myself. I don’t believe like Taz does with her crystals or how Panther and Avalanche do with their Great Spirit. I do sometimes believe in people manifesting bad things to happen to others. And that’s the feeling I’m gettin’ lately. Our club has had a shit ton of unbelievable bad luck. I look around to see Momma Diane trying to comfort all three of her daughters: Tink, Squirt, and Shadow, though only one, Tink, is her daughter and one, Squirt, is her granddaughter by blood. Shadow has been brought in and adopted by the family many years ago. Tink seems to be holding up as is Squirt, the one I’m worried about is Shadow. She is a total mess.

The outer door slides open and I see both Panther and Yoggie making their way in. My man looks totally out of it, so I carefully place Olivia in my seat next to Teddy. I look at Peanut across the room and she immediately comes to sit with the two lovebirds. Walking to Yoggie, I can see something’s off with him. I glance at Panther, who gives me a shrug, but continues to be a support for my ol’ man.

“Sebastian, come sit with us. Thanks, Panther, for bringing him in. They say that some news should be coming to us shortly, babe. From what I hear, you saved Tank’s life.”

“Yeah, he sure the fuck did.”

I look to the left of Yoggie and see it’s one of Tank’s friend Nova’s men, think they call him Coma. I just give him a smile then grab Sebastian’s hand, and we now are sitting two seats away from Olivia. I move in close to my ol’ man, who wraps me up good. I can feel him trembling so I wrap my arms around his waist.

Not sure how long we sit like this, but when the doors swing open from the back of the emergency room and three doctors come out looking for the family of Jay Rivers, just about the entire room stands up.

The doctors look around then back to Momma Diane.

“You want all these people to know your husband’s status, ma’am?

Momma Diane shifts and turns around before she faces the doctor.

“This is my husband’s family, so yes. Can you now tell me how my husband is doing?”

“Well, he’s a very lucky man. Whoever made sure he was getting oxygen probably saved his life. Now, we had to do an angiogram to make sure there is no blockage. He has a little but we were able to do an angioplasty which opened it up and allowed blood to flow. He could use to lose a few pounds and eat a bit healthier, but I think this was a warning from his body. The man needs less stress in his life.”

That comment has a bunch of us chuckling or cackling until the other two doctors stare at us.

“Bottom line is, Jay’s gonna have to start taking some cardiac medications. Change up his diet and maybe try to get some exercise in the picture. What does he do?”

Leave it to Shadow to answer that question the only way she could. Smart-ass.

“He’s the president of one of the most badass clubs in Montana. You’re talking about Tank from the Intruders.”

All three doctors look at each other, then at the group of people before really seeing all the kuttes everyone is wearing. The one talking to us smiles at Shadow for a brief second.

“Yeah, I’ve heard of Tank, just never had the pleasure to meet him. His club is responsible for our new cardiac care unit. I’ll have to thank him when I check on him in a bit. For now, only immediate family to see him. Yeah, I get it, you’re all his family but his wife and daughters, please? If everything pans out, he should be home in the next couple of days. Any questions?”

“You ride, Doc?”

I can’t make out the female’s voice but I hear snickering.

“Well, actually I do. Got a couple of Harleys and a BMW.”

“Well, next time you’re looking for something to do, give me a call, I’m always up for a ride.”

Then I see her, it’s Raven. When she walks up to the front, I see the doctor squint his eyes just a little bit before a huge grin hits his face. Can’t say the same for Raven.

“Well, lookie here, it’s little Brenna O’Brien. My ma told me she was talking to your ma and she mentioned you were in the girl club of bikers. How you doing, my little magnolia?”

The other two doctors shake their heads as they go through the swinging doors. Raven is beet red in the face and seems like she wants to run away.

“I can’t wait to tell Dusty I saw you. I know he’s wondered about you over the years. You two should give it a second go, Brenna, he’s a good man, you know that. Can’t believe everything you hear.”

With that he turns and disappears behind those swinging doors. Raven, with her head down, moves quickly to the exit doors though Dotty and Dani are quick to follow.Now there is a story for another time,I think to myself. The jokester has some secrets of her own it appears.

Now that Tank is settled, I turn to look for Yoggie. He’s by the door talking to Tank’s friend, Donovan. They look to be involved in a deep conversation so I walk over to them. Donovan puts his hand out, introducing himself to me. Then nothing. Well shit, that ain’t happening since it’s my life they are fucking around in.

“So what had you two in such an intense conversation? Guys, I’m a VP of a motorcycle club, give me some credit. And this is my life that started this fucking mess, so spill.”

Yoggie comes to me, pulling me into his side, then leans down and kisses the top of my head.