Page 25 of Glory

With that she turns and walks out as I watch her with my mouth open ’cause it dropped down. In all the thirty plus years we’ve been together and she’s been my ol’ lady, I could probably count on both hands how many times before today she used that word. And most of those times she had whispered that to me while we were in bed. My ol’ lady, unlike all the females in my daughter’s club, was raised during a different time. Not saying she don’t swear with words like damn, shit, and bastard.

When I look at my two brothers they are also shocked. Enforcer’s eyes are huge because he’s been with us forever, and when he lived with Diane and me, she was strict when it came to language, being polite, and swearing. Many times when Enforcer, or back then he went by Travis, was young, Diane busted his chops for cussing.

“All right, close your goddamn mouths. I’m gonna do something I’ve not done in years. Promised myself I would never contact him ever again. Enforcer, ya know who I’m talkin’ about, right? If anyone can help, I’m praying it’s him. Let me make this call, get the brothers together. Then call Maggie, tell her the Intruders will be at the ranch around, fuck, I guess noon. Hopefully by then we can figure something out. Put Freak on this, tell him to find something, a camera with Lilly’s face on it. Or complaints from innocents on racist bastards in their area or, I don’t know, tell him to use his imagination. We need to have an idea where their compound is. Now, get outta here.”

Once they’re gone, I hit the walk-in closet and go to the huge safe on my side in the back. Opening it, I reach in and pull out a worn-out leather journal then go back in our bedroom, sitting on one of the chairs in the ‘lounge area,’ as Diane calls it. Fuck, she’s the only one lounging here, always with a book in her hand. Shaking my head, I get back to the business at hand. Opening the book, I feel my soul tremble. Everything in this book is from a time I’d like to forget because I wasn’t a good man. I did whatever was necessary.

Finding his name, I grab my cell off the side table, and punch in his number, then take a deep breath and hit call. Part of me hopes it goes to voicemail while the other part just wants to get this over with. Winner is voicemail.

“Hey, ya got Donovan Finnegan from Finnegan’s Quest Sentries, better known as FQS. Leave a message with your name, number, and reason for calling. I’ll get back to ya as quick as I can. Later.”


“Donovan, it’s Tank. Long time no talk, brother. First, congratulations on Finnegan’s Quest Sentries. Glad to hear it’s up and running for ya, brother. Reason I’m reaching out is I need to call in that marker or favor, whatever ya want to call it, ’cause I got a situation and only someone with your resources in all levels of our government might be able to help us. When ya get a minute call me back, and not being a bastard by being pushy but this is a volatile situation involving innocents. Thanks, Donovan.”

With that I disconnect and just sit here as my mind goes back to when our club was workin’ with Nova on that huge drug bust. Good for him, he deserves any kind of happiness since that incident went down. He’s a good man just trying to live his life.

Feeling her before I even lift my head up, Diane is leaning against the doorframe watching me watch her. Then she starts to come my way. She puts her hands on my shoulders then pulls me into her body so my head rests on her belly. Damn, wish I could stay like this the entire day, but ain’t gonna happen. So I give it to her.

“Gotta set up a meeting with Maggie for around noon. Then going into the clubhouse, want to touch base, see how shit is going. Babe, feel so outta touch lately. Must be getting old, Diane. Shit, I ain’t even close to Medicare, for fuck’s sake. I’m just approaching my late fifties, for Christ’s sake, and I’m losin’ it. Maybe I need to take those pills they’re always advertising on the television at night. You know, if you’re losin’ shit and can’t remember dick take one of these pills daily and they’ll help. It’s that or start taking those gummies everyone is talking about. Dr. Cora at the ranch told me they might help my arthritis. Think on it, woman, then give me your thoughts.”

“Jay, you aren’t losing it, husband, especially if last night was any example. What you’re experiencing is the same stuff that both Maggie and Zoey are going through. None of you have had a break or time to relax and just be. It’s drama after drama and one worse than the last. I’ll talk to Dr. Cora about those gummies, and if she thinks they’ll work then definitely a yeah from me. Now you need to go see Dr. Cora and get a physical because, Jay, I know you’re not feeling good. Don’t lie. So do we have a deal?”

How does she do that, always gets the upper hand? Probably because she’s so much smarter than me. And my ol’ lady is right, I’m not feelin’ my best. So as usual she knows what I need before I do.

“You drive a hard bargain, but it’s a deal. Let’s confirm it with a kiss then gotta get ready and go, woman.”

Reaching for her, I pull her down, and devour her lips like I’ve not had them in months, though it was only last night. When I hear that sound she makes that I love, I release her and stand.

“Now that should keep me on your mind, woman. Now get, gotta go. Hey, Diane…. Love ya, baby.”

Her face goes instantly soft and she nods.

“Right back at you, Jay. Be safe, don’t get dead on me. We have a date with our bed tonight. Now that should keep me on your mind, husband of mine.”

With that she turns and sashays her way outta our bedroom. Goddamn, I’m one lucky son of a bitch for sure. That draws a smile on my face as I get ready to take on the day. Damn, I hope it goes by smoothly and I’ll be right back here tonight with my ol’ lady in my arms.




Ending the call from Tank, I look at my watch. Damn, gotta get my ass moving if I’m going to make it to the clubhouse. After the interruption of our evening, I was surprised at how well Nora handled the information Shadow and the club came to break to her. Everyone stuck around ’til they were positive she was okay. Olivia was fast asleep, so when Nora went into the bathroom, I gave her time. I heard the shower go on and was kind of surprised but figured she needed that feeling of clean. It wasn’t until I heard the soft sobbing that I didn’t even give it a thought when I opened the door, pulling my clothes off as I did. Walking into the shower, Nora was huddled on the shower floor. Kneeling in front of her, I gently pulled her into me. When her body started shaking, I could feel the anguish pouring out of her. Fuck, if I could, I’d tear Oscar’s body apart with my own hands. Why? What the fuck went wrong with his brain that he thought it was okay to make his own brother choose between his wife and daughter? And then for Oscar to kidnap and keep his niece imprisoned while he physically and mentally abused her.Unfortunately,I thought to myself,I couldn’t change the past but I’ll damn well do my best to keep her safe going forward. Well, right after we tear Oscar apart limb by limb.

Not sure how long we stayed like that but my knees were burning so I gently lifted her up in my arms and shifted so my ass was not on the floor, and I was leaning against the shower wall. After a bit I felt her body start to relax so I continued rubbing up and down her back while putting small kisses on her forehead and head. When her hands started roaming my chest my body reacted immediately, so I was sure she could feel my hard cock against her ass, though not where I was going when I came in here. Was worried about her and just wanted to comfort her, that was it.

When she licked my neck, I was gone.This woman owns me body and soul and now that we are able to truly be together it almost feels like we are new again, I think to myself. God, I was becoming a pussy lately and if any of my brothers knew I was getting soft, they’d beat me silly. So into my head when her warm breath breezed against the head of my cock I almost lost myself and shot a load.Damn it, I can never understand this thing between us. It’s electric, and that’s the last thought I had because Nora was working me, and I was just feeling everything on the downslide and on the grip upward. Before I knew it that familiar feeling was happening all over me, while my balls pulled up tight to my body. Before I could even warn her, my body let loose and I lost every thought as I just slid down the shower wall, my body drained.

“Sebastian, just so you know, I appreciate you. Thank you for always being here for me. My heart is shattered but we now know she’s alive so that gives me a little hope. I’ll search for her and the baby until I have no breath left in me. Tink did it with Hannah and look how that turned out. I’ve got to have faith. Now I’m hungry, so let’s get off this uncomfortable as shit shower floor, rinse off, and go raid the kitchen.”

Knowing she was trying to bypass how deeply she was upset, I pulled her on my lap while stretching my legs out. She sighed, probably thinking I was gonna try and make her feel better, but nope not where I was going.

“Nora, Bae, never doubt my feelings or how deeply they run. We will get through this and bring Lilly home, no matter how long it takes. Now, like you, I’m starving so move for a second and let me get up first.”

I shifted and used the wall to help me push up with my bent legs. Once standing, I reached down and pulled Nora into me. We slowly washed off then got out, both drying ourselves. Once we were in our pajamas, holding hands, we walked out to the kitchen and came to a dead stop. Sitting on a stool was Olivia, staring off at nothing. A suitcase was standing up next to the chair. Nora grabbed on to my hand but said not a word. I think she was in shock. So I asked.

“Olivia, hon, whatcha doing up and sitting here by yourself? And more importantly, why is there a suitcase down there?”