Page 26 of Glory

“I was thinking, that’s all. When do you guys want me to leave? Maybe Tink will let me go stay with Poodles, if she’ll have me.”

My head jerked back on my body just as I felt Nora take a step back, totally shocked. Before I could even move my Bae was almost running to where Olivia was slumped over the counter, head in her hands.

“Cariño, what are you talking about? Why do you think we are going to make you leave? I’m so confused. You know we won’t ever hurt you, so please explain to me what you’re thinking. Please, child, because you look like you’re in pain and that makes me feel your pain.”

Olivia looked at first Nora then at me. Her eyes were so sad that I walked to them both, embracing them tightly. I felt the little girl lean into Nora, who then leaned into me. Then I put my two cents in this situation.

“Little star, I’ve told you before, no matter what, you will never be alone as long as both Nora and I are breathing. So did someone say something to you to upset you? If so, tell me who and I promise I’ll set them straight. So, beautiful, what’s going on?”

I watched as her eyes again looked at Nora first then me and her face started to turn pink. Then she dropped her head again, then in a whispered voice broke our hearts.

“I heard that you found out your hija is alive, so guess you don’t need a cariño too. That’s why I asked when you want me to leave, so there is room for your daughter since I’m not that to you. Remember you told me I’m not a hija, so that’s why I think you’ll send me away.”

My Bae had tears rolling down her face and couldn’t seem to talk. She was looking at me with such pain in her eyes, I figured I could try to explain to this child she was wrong.

“Olivia, look at me, beautiful. I believe Nora already told you that this is your home for as long as you want it. No matter who else comes and goes, that will not affect you. We both realize that you’ve not had a normal life since your parents were killed. Honey, we might not be normal in some people’s eyes, but one thing you will come to figure out is that what we say is what we mean and we mean what we say. So, honey, get this in your head. We want you here with us. Dr. Cora also told Nora that you already started your therapy sessions. It will help, just give it a chance sweetie. Finally, Poodles is still recovering and with the little one, her hands are full. Maybe you can go help her one or two days a week after school when your homework is done. So are we good, cariño? We care about you, don’t forget that.”

Olivia pulled back from Nora and went to stand on the stool, which had me moving closer to her in case she slipped. Instead, she leaned over to me and kind of leaped into me. I wrapped her up and she put her arms around my neck, hanging on tightly. From my side I felt a warm body pressing into me. Then to our utter surprise Olivia shocked the ever-lovin shit outta the both of us.

“Thanks, Yoggie. It finally feels like I have a real home. I was sad that I might have to leave with Nora’s daughter coming here. Not sure I should say this, but I’ve learned never wait to say how you feel so here goes. I love you both so much. And thank you for saving me and bringing me to your home.”

“Cariño, I’m sorry that you had bad feelings. Like Sebastian said, we want you here and I hope you stay until you are all grown up. Also, I want you to know that you can always come to us if you are having issues, no matter what they are. So we were going to get something to snack on, are you by chance hungry?”

I watched her look at Nora like she hung the moon. Then she slightly smiled and nodded. That was my clue to find something to feed my girls. And that hit me in the chest. I was truly hooked on Olivia, even though she’d only been with us for a little bit. I loved watching her personality starting to come to the surface. The poor child was being starved of emotion and even though the women tried, this child needed normalcy and that word did not exist with Juice and his asshole crew.

Shaking my head, I looked to see Nora getting ready to make eggs or omelets. Little Olivia was right next to her on a stool, trying to help her out. When Nora lifted her head and saw me staring at her, she gave me a huge as fuck smile and that was when I knew, no matter what, we’d be all right. As long as we stayed open and communicated, we’d be good. Thank God.




Sitting in the building we built to hold meetings in when not at the clubhouse, I’m waiting for, I guess, everyone to arrive. Sitting with most of the Devil’s Handmaidens sisters, my mind is all over the place. Everyone is on edge and nervous as hell. I jump when my phone vibrates, but grab it and pull it out of my pocket. Looking down, I see Taz’s name so I engage it immediately.

“Taz, is everything okay?”

“Yeah, Glory, we’re good. I’m at the store with both Teddy and Olivia in tow. Just wanted to see if you guys needed anything since we’re here. Text me what it is, ’kay? Oh, Tink knows I’m not going to be there as I’m the pencil pusher, so to speak, and mainly stay in the office. You can fill me in when I drop off Olivia tonight. Keep your chin up, sister, this too will pass.”

I hear her disconnect just as I see both Tank and Tink walking in, being followed by Enforcer, Shadow, and a combination of both clubs. Also see Shadow’s dad, Sheriff George, and Phantom from Blue Sky Sanctuary. I stay where I’m at as everyone takes a seat and gets comfortable. I know this is going to be a long as fuck meeting so I get ready for it, as I try to find a position that won’t kill my back and ass.

My God, how much longer are we going to go over this? Freak and Raven have found some activity about sixty miles from here at an old homestead. Also, there’s been someone at the De Luca compound not that long ago, but like Avalanche mentioned, we don’t know if there are underground tunnels running all around there or if they have hidden rooms that people could survive in until they felt safe enough to come out. What I do know is, I have to go to the bathroom before I wet my jeans.

Standing up just when Tink calls for a break, I make a move for the bathrooms before everyone else gets the same idea. Once done, I wash my hands then throw cold water on my face, hoping to wake up a bit. After I get back to my chair, I remember that I didn’t send anything to Taz. Shit, she’s probably done shopping. Well, I can try to see if she replies.

After thinking about it, I send her a short list, just some major staples we are out of. Immediately I see the three dots and then I get a thumbs-up. Great, she’s going to save me so much time. Totally love my sister.

Dozing because Freak and Raven are talking while pounding on the keys of their computer, my eyes catch it when I see Tank jump up, phone to his ear, making his way to the exit with Enforcer right behind him. Something tells me to follow him so I do quietly. When I get out of the room, I see him down the hall so like I’ve got to use the bathroom, I take a seat, trying to hear his conversation, but I am just getting snippets until Tank lets out a bellow.

“Goddamn it, Donovan, what the fuck? Yeah, even bikers have enemies, dude. I wouldn’t have called you if I didn’t need the help. Yeah, I remember, I was there too, along with my club so don’t give me any of your shit. You gonna help or not?”

Hearing the anger and frustration in Tank’s voice, I stand and once again give him some privacy as I make my way back into the room. I take my seat and start to fade again when suddenly I hear what I think is Enforcer’s voice yelling. I jump up, eyes wide open to see everyone looking his way as he’s glancing at his phone. He hits something and puts it to his ear before he starts again screaming into the phone.

Tank walks over to him, which has Enforcer showing his president the phone. The absolute fear on the face of one of the baddest motherfuckers out there tells me something really horrible is either happening, already did, or is on its way. And when Tank searches until he finds me, I’m guessing it’s more of my bullshit.

Feeling a presence, I look around to see all the younger Devil’s Handmaidens coming by my side. I’ve watched most of these women mature and find out who they really are supposed to be. Seeing them here now for me is like coming full circle. With me being preoccupied, I don’t see what, but Enforcer walks to the wall, punching it until Avalanche literally walks up to him, picking him up, and taking him outside. Jesus Christ, what is going on? That’s when Enforcer’s next words send a fear like no other because when he yells it aloud, he’s looking directly at me.

“Shit going down in town. Gerald at the gas station saw a bunch of unknown men walking into the grocery store, right before gunshots were heard. The store is now quiet except for the occasional person crying and then a gun going off. Sheriff George is on his way, but last I knew Que was doing errands with the kids and then making their way down to the grocery store to pick up some items. My question is, why no one had her back, for Christ’s sake? We talked about protection and not to go anywhere by yourself. Why the fuck is Que on her own? Someone explain that to me.”