So, it was enough evidence that he was cheating. I wasn't surprised, but I could only feel bad for Kate. I continued about my day after getting the information I'm sure my siblings would have loved to get their hands on.
Father had never been exposed for having an affair. He had already announced his engagement to Kate. So, a lot of people were aware.
Imagine how the public would view him if they found out about his affair. Even his trusted friends would be skeptical about him. Indeed, I had gotten my hand on quality information.
I didn't want to return to the hospital to avoid bothering Olivia with her work. So, after I was done, I returned to the manor. My father was seated in the living room watching the news.
"You didn't go to the hospital?" he asked, without taking his eyes off the TV.
"I didn't," I replied. "Where is your fiancée?"
"I don't know. She left this morning," he replied calmly. "Maybe she went shopping, so I gave her my card."
I wasn't even the one he was planning on getting married to, but I was disgusted. His attitude toward this woman who actually loved him sickened me.
"That reminds me, last night you ignored me to go talk to a woman," he said. "You really want to show that you have become a man, haven't you?"
"Because what you have to say to me last night made no sense," I shot back immediately.
"You would not speak to me in such a manner." He finally turned around to look at me, fury in his eyes.
"In what manner?" I asked. "A nonchalant one, just the way you respond to everyone around you? It hurts, doesn't it?"
He remained frowning but stopped and then grinned. "Oh, I see what's going on. Just because you got to sleep with her last night, Now you feel you are on the same level as I am?"
"So you listen to your son have sex? That is a very creepy thing even for you." I tried to keep a straight face.
"Let me guess, you started thinking that she's something special," he continued while ignoring my taunt, "You don't even know where I met her."
"With all due respect, father, you should stop speaking there," I warned. "You will not say anything about Olivia."
"The arrogance in this child." He looked like he was considering hitting me.
Years ago, I would have been afraid. But I knew what kind of man my father was. He was a spineless coward who only relied on anger and intimidation to get what he wanted. Looking at him in that light made me a little cocky. Besides, I had a trump card that I was going to wait to reveal.
He realized something was off with how I was acting because I typically ignored his words or minded my business, but I was facing him head-on. It didn't take him too long to realize that I knew something he didn't.
"Fine then, have it your way." He gave up. "But I will advise you one thing. Women who act like your Olivia usually end up being evil. Ask your mother."
"Olivia is nothing like her," I insisted.
"You don't even know about her past, do you?" he asked. "Tell me what you have on me, and I'll tell you what kind of life Olivia led that eventually brought her to Richmond."
"Thank you for the offer, but she's already promised to tell me herself. I'll be patient," I replied.
He sucked on his teeth and continued watching his TV. I was worried about Olivia. I know I promised to wait for her to tell me what happened in her past, but I was starting to worry that it was coming to haunt her.
The sooner I knew about it, the better.
"Maybe I should check on the hospital after all," I said to myself.
I know I told him I felt better, and indeed I did. as soon as I stepped out of the manor, I started to panic again. I took a few deep breaths and tried to calm myself down.
"It's okay, you're fine. Don't worry." I tried to call myself down with words of affirmation before leaving for the hospital.