“Do you like your job?”
He sighed. “No. Not really”
“If the only thing that mattered was doing something you wanted to do, what would that be?”
Jay was silent for a while, then he said, “I always thought it would be awesome to work with animals, but I….”
“This is about dreams, Jay. You can say anything you want.”
“I’d love to run a rescue for German Shepherds.”
The way his face lit up as he said it let me know how happy that would make him. I was going to make it happen. “We can get a second house outside the city with plenty of land or use some of my grandparents’ land for the rescue.”
“Wouldn’t they mind? And what about you being so far from the city?”
Ford shook his head. “As long as I’m with you, I’ll be happy. We’ll work something out, and you saw how my grandfather dotes on his dogs, and my grandmother loves any chance to be involved with a charity.”
“How involved?”
“She’s not going to do any of the day-to-day dirty work.”
I glanced at him. “You’ll eventually make peace with her.”
“I think we’re already on the way. She tried to apologize to me.”
“What did she say?”
“She told me she didn’t mean to insult me.”
I nodded. “That’s about as good as it gets for her apologies.”
“I figured as much, but I could tell she meant it.”
“Good. Give her some time.”
“I will because she’s your grandmother and you love her. There must be something good in her.”
“There is, but she’s prickly as hell and such a snob. Your Gran is nothing like that.”
“She can be fierce when she needs to. She didn’t hold back on discipline when Emily and I needed it, but she’s never been prickly.”
“I want to get to know her better.”
“I was actually wondering….”
“I thought maybe you could teach me to knit, and Gran and I could come to your knitting circle one week.”
“That is a fantastic idea. Eudora would love to get to know you, and it would give you a chance to meet Ben. Trust me, when you meet him, you’ll have no idea how he puts up with Miles.”
Jay laughed. “I would love that.”
“Then it’s a plan. We’ll get started on lessons today, and as soon as your Gran is well enough, we’ll all go to knitting circle.”
“You know how last night you were so impatient you wanted to just fuck in the car?”