She rolled her eyes, then sighed. “I guess I need to see how quickly I can get a flight back to Aspen.”
Jay sighed. “I wish you could stay longer.”
“I know, but I do need to get back to the shop. When it’s a less busy season, maybe I can come for a longer visit.”
“I could get you on a plane this afternoon if you’ll let me make the arrangements,” I said.
“No way will there be a flight open today.”
“Miles has a private plane, and he’s not using it. He’d be happy for his pilot to fly you home.”
“A private plane? Seriously?”
Ford smiled. “It’s very convenient.”
“You really could set that up for me?”
“Yes. I’ll call Miles, and we’ll arrange a flight for a few hours from now as well as a ride to the airport and one from the Aspen airport to your home if you need it.”
“You can just do that?”
Ford nodded, and Emily turned to me. “I like him. Don’t fuck this up.”
When I’d gotten everything arranged for Emily, we dropped her at her hotel, and Jay and I headed back to my house.
“So, what happens now?” Jay asked as I drove.
“You move in with me, and we live happily ever after.”
Jay made a strangled noise. “Are you serious?”
“Very. Also, you’re going to quit your job, because the people you work with are terrible, and you need more time to devote to fucking me.”
“Oh my God. That’s…I can’t just quit.”
“You definitely can.”
“What am I supposed to do if I quit? I’d likely have to start back at the bottom at another firm.”
“It just so happens that I have some really good connections at Montgomery Enterprises. I could get you a job there.”
He huffed. “Like Miles would want to hire me.”
“You proved yourself yesterday. If he still had any doubts, they’re gone now, but if you don’t want to work at Montgomery, you could just be my kept man, spend your days at the club or the spa, and learn how to make me dinner.”
“You donotwant me making dinner.”
“Then you can order me dinner or just be waiting, naked, ready for me. Does that sound good?”
“I’m not just going to live off you.”
“I have more money than I know what to do with.”
“Ford.” The growl in his voice told me not to push it.
“What do you want to do?”
“I’m an attorney. That’s all I really know.”