We ascended the stairs and initially stepped out into a clean, well-organized storage attic. Jay chuckled. “It looks like even creepy attic vibes are scared of your grandmother.”
“You bet they are.” I led him through to a door at the far end, hoping my grandmother had left the room the way it had always been. For all I knew, she’d gotten rid of everything in there, though I thought she would at least have offered me the books.
When I pushed open the door, relief ran through me. Everything was exactly like it had been the last time I’d been up there.
Jay sucked in his breath. “Is this where you would escape to when you were a kid?”
I nodded. “I spent a lot of time up here, especially in the first few years after my parents died. I discovered the room when I was exploring the house, and for once my grandmother let me have what I wanted. I even used to sleep up here a lot.” I gestured toward the twin mattress on the floor, one I had found in the storage area and dragged in there.
There were sheets and blankets, folded and sitting on top of it, which let me know my grandmother had continued to have the room cleaned and freshened up. Otherwise, she had left everything as it was. There were shelves around the room, filled with books. I’d rescued many of them from the storage area as well. There was a square of carpet on the floor by the mattress, but otherwise it was just bare planks.
Jay found a picture on one of the shelves. It was of me and Miles, probably from the beginning of our sophomore year. “Wow, look at y’all. So freaking cute.”
“We thought we were so grown up then.” I shook my head at the memory.
“You probably were in a lot of ways, especially you, having lost your parents.”
I nodded. “I was both incredibly mature and also an idiot.”
Jay sighed. “I wish I’d had friends like you did in school.”
“I’m sorry you didn’t.”
Jay continued to look around while I put a fitted sheet on the mattress and tossed several pillows on top. “Have you ever brought anyone else up here?” he asked.
“Only Miles, Carter, and Worth.”
“But never anyone….”
“I’ve never fucked anyone in this room. You’re going to be the first.”
He turned from a shelf where he’d been looking at a picture of me from my high school graduation and took the few steps necessary to cross the room, then he dropped to his knees in front of me and pushed me back onto the pile of pillows on the mattress. “Thank you for bringing me here.”
All I could do was nod. I couldn’t make myself say what I was thinking; it felt much too heavy.
I opened my legs wider and reached for him. He stretched out on top of me and kissed me. He was gentle, tender. It was too much, so much harder to take than when he was rough with me. The intensity made me worry my heart would explode. I wanted this, but I didn’t want to be made a fool off in the end. “Jay?”
“Is this real?”
“I don’t know. It feels like a dream, but it also feels like the most real thing ever.”
He encouraged me to sit up so he could get my shirt off. I undid my pants, and Jay pulled them down my legs. Once had me naked, he stripped himself, then returned to his position between my legs.
“Do you have any lube up here?”
“Fuck.” Why hadn’t we brought some from Jay’s room? “I don’t. Just use spit. I’ll be fine.”
“I need to be fucked more than I need comfort.”
“Goddamn, you’re so fucking hot.”
I smiled. “So you’re not mad at me anymore?”
“I wasn’t ever mad at you. I’m furious with your grandmother, but because I care about you, I didn’t tell her what I thought of her questions.”