For a moment, she actually looked contrite. “I’ll consider it.”
“I appreciate that.” I pushed back my chair and stood.
“Where are you going?”
“I’m going to take this cheesecake up to Jay. It’s his favorite dessert.”
“I could have Maria bring out another piece, and you can eat yours with me.”
“No thank you. Jay and I will share this one.”
She sighed but didn’t say anything else. I headed upstairs, hoping Jay would be willing to talk to me. When I reached his door, I took a deep breath before knocking. “Jay, it’s me.”
There was no response for several seconds, and I was considering trying the door when I heard footsteps. Jay opened the door just wide enough to look through the crack. “I don’t want to talk right now.”
I held up the cake. “Then we can eat instead.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“It’s cheesecake.”
“I don’t—”
“I’m sorry.” His eyes widened, and he opened the door a little more. “I told my grandmother her behavior was unacceptable and that….” My hand was shaking, making the fork rattle against the plate.
“What did you tell her?”
“That I care about you. That you’re not just a colleague, and I wasn’t going to allow her to treat you like that.”
“You…you said that? And you….”
“I care about you, Jay.”
He flung open the door, took my arm, and dragged me inside. Once the door was shut again, he grabbed the plate and set it down on the dresser before he backed me into the wall. “I care about you too.”
When he kissed me, it was more intense, more…everything than any kiss we’d shared before. I opened to the pressure of his lips on mine and let him ravage me. In seconds I was desperate for more. I gripped his hips, yanking him toward me, desperate to feel his whole body against me.
Understanding what I needed, he pressed me flat into the wall, letting me feel his weight. I needed the reassurance that he wasn’t going to leave, but I also needed to slow us down.
When he slid his lips along my jawline and started nibbling at my neck, I fought for the will to speak. “Not here.”
He pulled back and looked at me. “Ford, I’m not waiting until we go back home. I am fucking you right here. I don’t care what anyone thinks.”
“No. I mean not in this room, not where there’s a chance someone could hear us. I want to be able to relax.”
“Where can we go?”
“I’ll show you but get the cheesecake. You’re going to need the sugar afterward.”
Jay laughed as he grabbed the plate.
Cautiously, I opened the door and made sure neither of my grandparents were in the hallway. I felt like a teenager again, but I’d never had a man as hot as Jay back then. I considered taking him somewhere outside, but I settled on the place I usually retreated to when I came home and wanted to be left alone.
When I opened the door to the stairs leading to the attic, Jay lay a hand on my arm. “Where are we going?”
“Trust me.”
He frowned. “Alright.”