“I bet they go pretty far.”
“What do you want to do?”
“God, Ford. I don’t even know.”
I rolled onto my side and looked at him. He reached out and ran a thumb up and down my throat. “Do you want to choke me? See if you can really kill me?”
“No. Yes. I don’t….”
“But you do. You want to push things with me as far as you can. It helps to make it a game, an experiment. You know what a man’s body feels like now, and you’re going to find out other things.”
“What the fuck are you doing to me?”
“You’re telling me you’ve never gotten kinky with the women you’ve slept with?”
“No, I’m not…I mean, yes, I have, but….” He rolled and stood up, obviously done with the conversation. He tried to take a step and had to hold onto the footboard for a moment to steady himself. I loved that I’d worn him out like that.
“I’m going to take a shower.”
“There are towels are in the closet. Stay out of the rest of my shit.”
“What if I don’t want to?”
“Then I’ll have to come in there and supervise.”
He shook his head. “When will it be enough?”
“I don’t think you’re ever going to have enough of me.”
“Just go finish dinner.”
“Seriously?” I huffed. “You think you’re going to get away with treating me like that?”
“Fine. Then come suck my dick in the shower.”
“Now that you might get away with, but I’m going to bet you’re pretty worn out right now.”
“Come on in and find out.”
I joined him, but we were both truly exhausted, so we didn’t do anything but make out a little in the shower and get clean. I got out first, ordered a pizza, and put the start of my sauce in the fridge. I would make it tomorrow. I was way too tired for cooking now, and my mind was spinning too much to focus.
Thoughts raced through my head, like how fucking hot and filthy Jay was, how much danger he was in, what Miles was going to do about it, and how the hell I was going to live with Jay for days. I was frightened by the fact that I didn’t really hate Jay anymore; I was growing more and more afraid I felt very much the opposite. Those feelings were going to be hell to deal with when this was over.
After pretending to work for most of the next morning, I gave up on getting anything productive done. I told my assistant I was going to visit my grandmother. I wanted to see her today, but it was also a good reason to get out of the office. I couldn’t stay there anymore. I couldn’t focus on anything.
The night before, I’d been insane. I’d completely lost control with Ford. Remembering the things I’d said to him caused my face to heat. He brought out the most primitive, animalistic side of me, and it felt so fucking good.
When I’d gotten out of the shower, he’d told me he ordered a pizza. We sat down in his living room, and after a few minutes of scrolling through channels, we settled on one of the early seasons ofLaw & Order. I’d asked him if he didn’t get enough attorney shit doing his job.
“According to you, I don’t have a real job,” he’d said.
“That was before I realized you worked in espionage as well as the law.”
We snuggled up and enjoyed critiquing the episodes—what they got wrong, what they got right, and how much we’d love to have one of those gotcha moments in the courtroom.