The pizza came and we devoured it, then kept watchingLaw & Orderuntil I was mostly asleep. Ford turned off the TV and told me everything I should need would be in the guest room. He’d asked some of the Montgomery security guards to go to my apartment to gather some of my clothes and other things I’d need. Ford acted like that was normal, like anyone might have done such a service.

I wanted to be angry at the invasion of privacy, but being with Ford felt so good, talking to him had become so easy, I wasn’t going to risk fucking up the rapport we had when I was depending on him for security.

The guest room bed was luxurious, but I still couldn’t sleep. I wanted to be with Ford. And now, I was regretting all those hours of tossing and turning.

When I got to Gran’s care center, the nurse on duty let me know that Gran had been awake for a while that morning, but after a lengthy coughing fit, they’d given her something to help her sleep. She probably wouldn’t wake up during my visit, but at least she’d improved some.

She didn’t stir when I stepped into the room. I sat down next to the bed and laid my hand over hers. I stayed there for a while, letting my thoughts wander. There was a bird feeder right outside her window. I watched some wrens bickering over whose turn it was to eat and contemplated whether or not I was going to return to the office today, or if I was going to go indulge in a long liquid lunch.

Suddenly, I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to call Ford and have him come to lunch with me. I could call Emily if I needed to talk to someone, but she’d be busy in the café. There wasn’t anyone else but Ford. How fucking sad was that? Emily was right. I’d put all my energy into my career and a few activities like tennis where I could also prove I was the best. Now, I had to resort to asking a man who professed to hate me to keep me company so I wouldn’t be too sad and lonely after leaving Gran.

I stared at my phone for several minutes, but ultimately, I pulled up Ford’s contact info and called him. I was surprised when he answered almost immediately.

“What’s up?”

“Let’s have lunch.”


Did he have to be this difficult? “You do eat in the middle of the day, don’t you?”

“I do.”

“I’m visiting my grandmother.” I wasn’t sure why I needed to tell him that.

“How is she?”

“She’s sleeping, so I’m just sitting with her.”

“And you’d like some company?”

“Yes.” It wasn’t like I could hide it, I had called him.

“Did you take a car there?”

I rose and began pacing the room as I said, “Yes, there’s a security guard waiting for me out front.”

“I’ll be there to pick you up in about half an hour.”

“Really?” I couldn’t hide my surprise, I’d thought he was going to blow me off.

“Do you want to go to lunch or not?”

“I do. Thanks.”

“Where are you?”

I circled the room as I gave him the name and address of the care center.

“See you soon.” He ended the call, and I settled back down in the chair by my grandmother’s bed. My conversation with Ford hadn’t even made her stir.

I talked to her for a while, even though she probably wouldn’t hear anything I said. I even dared to tell her all about Ford. When I’d run out of things to say, I looked at the birds once more, but something else caught my attention.

There was a car positioned directly across from Gran’s window. That lot was restricted to staff only, but the men in the car were definitely not staff. They were the men who’d been watching my apartment. They were looking right toward my grandmother’s room.

I was out of my seat and through the door before I realized how stupid it would be for me to confront these men head-on. I wanted to. I wanted to rip them the fuck apart. Instead, I called Ford.

“I’m on my way,” he said when he answered.