“There’s no question about that. I’m scared, but I already feel a connection with the life growing inside me.”

“Have you told Tyler?”

Of course my friend doesn’t bother asking who the father is. Neither of us are the kind of women to have any doubt about parentage. We don’t screw around.

“No, I haven’t said anything yet. I don’t know how to tell him.”

“You will tell him, won’t you?”

“Yes. He has a right to know,” I say. “But I’m worried. We’ve never talked about feelings. He makes these over-the top statements like I belong to him, and he desires me. That’s the extent of it. We can’t raise a child together just because our sex life is spectacular.”

“No, you can’t get married because of a child. You might have a few months or even a few years together where everything’s okay, but if you aren’t in love, eventually you’ll grow to hate him, and he’ll hate you. That’s not good for either you or the child.”

“I love him,” I quietly say.

“I know you do,” Piper says, placing her arm around me. “Does he love you?”

“I don’t think so. I know he wants me. I know he appreciates me. And I know he’s not the monster I once thought he was. But I don’t think love factors into his basic set of emotions.”

“He loves his brothers, doesn’t he?” Piper asks.

“Yes, I believe he does.”

“Then we know he’s capable of love. Maybe you should just come out with it and tell him you love him.”

“I can’t do that,” The very thought of it makes my heart race.

“Would you rather wonder what could’ve been?” Piper asks. “Or dive in with both feet?”

“I think we already dived in with both feet. I’m carrying his child.”

“True. But anyone can make a baby together. To spend a lifetime with another human being takes a special kind of magic. You have to tell him how you feel or you’ll regret holding back. You need to know how he feels about you before you tell him about the baby or you’ll always wonder.”

“When did you get so dang smart?”

“I read a lot,” Piper says with a laugh.

“I guess that’s an occupational hazard.” Joking with my friend helps lift my spirits... marginally. I have to tell Tyler the truth, have to share with him that we’ve created a child. But I’m terrified.

“Why don’t we spoil ourselves at the day spa, then have a wonderful dinner and make some baby plans. If you focus on the miracle growing inside of you, you can’t possibly be stressed,” Piper says as she switches directions and drags me with her.

“I haven’t had a lot of time to focus on themiracleof being pregnant,” I tell her as my hand trails to my flat stomach. “I’m going to be a mom.” Terror and warmth fill me at the thought.

“And I’m going to be an aunt. It’s certainly a day to celebrate.”

“I’m glad I told you,” I say as we reach our car.

“I’d be crushed if you didn’t.”

I don’t know how I’m going to talk to Tyler, but at least I’ll never be alone, not with my best friend right here by my side. It will all work out for the best in the end.



“You’ve been unusually quiet this evening.” I sit across from Tyler in his living room and smile, though it takes a lot of effort to do so.

“I don’t feel all that well,” I say.