“I don’t either. But you’re no longer a spring chicken, unlike the children you coach, so I guess I should cut you some slack. Midlife crises can be the worst, I’m told.”

“Coach, coach, we’re waiting for you,” one of the boys call.

“We’re heading out, Leo. Load up on the bus.” The kid follows the rest of the team and I’m alone with Tyler.

“Would you like to join us?” he asks.

I desperately want to go with him, but I’m overloaded for the day. If I keep doing these activities with him, I’ll believe we’re in a real relationship that can last forever. I’ve stopped fighting being with him, but I still have some armor in place. If I lose it, my heart will be too shattered to recover.

“I need to get some work done. Go enjoy your team,” I say, turning to leave. He grabs my arm and stops me.

“Why’d you come, Olivia?”

“I wanted to see you coach.”


“What do you mean?”

“What made you want to see me coach?” he asks.

“I’m trying to figure you out.”

“Have you yet?” There’s a long moment of silence, too long, since he really does need to get going.

“No,” I admit.

“Maybe you should try harder.” With this, he turns and walks away.

I slowly move to my car and wait a while to start it. Tears press against my eyes. There’s zero doubt I’m in love with this guy. Maybe if I stop fighting the feeling, I can find a hint of happiness with him, even if it only lasts a few days, weeks, or months. Isn’t it better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all?



Walking through the garden where I made love to Tyler a month earlier, I wonder why I want to torture myself by returning to this place.

“You’ve been quiet an awfully long time,” Piper says.

“I know. I’m trying to gather my thoughts, trying to figure out how to tell you what I need to tell you. Nothing’s easy anymore.”

“You know you can tell me anything, Olivia. That’s what best friends are for. We’re supposed to talk to each other, share, and be there with a shoulder to lean on.”

“I messed up, really messed up.”

“Okay, Olivia, tell me what in the world’s going on,” Piper demands.

“I’m pregnant.” My words are followed by a long silence. The two of us stop on the trail we’ve been walking.

“How far along?” Piper asks.

“About a month. I think this is the place I got pregnant,” I say with a sad sigh.

“You got pregnant in a public park?” Piper asks, sounding the slightest bit jealous.

“It was spectacular sex, but as with all good things, there are consequences.”

“Do you want to keep the child?” Piper asks.