Page 48 of Entering Stronghold

Yes, it was nice to have it confirmed by Michael that nothing was going on with him and Angel, and to get his take on why. Even better to know Michael was apparently actively encouraging her to find someone else to play with. But he wasn’t going to let anyone manipulate or push him into something he wasn’t ready for, and he wasn’t ready to make up his mind about Angel.


“So you’re a sadist?” he asked, casually. Andrew rolled his eyes. Patrick groaned. Michael smiled.

“It took me a while to come around to it, but yes.”

He nodded. That was understandable. Movement caught the corner of his eye and he looked over to see Angel getting up from her seat. She half-turned to look back at the group of men at the bar, her eyes flicking over him for a moment before she gave Michael a stiff nod and started towards the Lounge area.

The lacy tiered skirt she was wearing flicked against the backs of her thighs, highlighting those long legs and the fact she had a well-rounded ass because there was so much space between the lacy edge and her skin. The top she was wearing was, for the first time, not a corset although it did lace up the back and was held closed in the front by hooks. It was made of suede and looked incredibly soft to the touch, as well as making her upper body easily accessible. The high heels she wore made her hips roll as she walked, emphasizing the aura of easy sensuality.

“Are you seriously going to let her get away?”

Adam cursed under his breath and he was moving before he could stop and think about it. Before he could stop and ask himself what the hell he was doing. Not because Michael goaded him, but because more than one Dom at the bar was watching her progress towards the Lounge. If she got there, she’d be followed and more than one of them would probably ask her to scene.

He didn’t try to explain to himself why the thought bothered him so much.

With long, quick strides, he passed the distance easily and caught her by the elbow. Angel spun around in surprise, fast enough to break his grip, her body automatically settling back into a defensive posture.

Putting his hands up in front of him he took a step back. “Sorry.” Dammit. He’d almost forgotten she taught self-defense and she’d probably be a little bit on edge right now.

Looking up at him, the startled, almost angry gaze softened and she relaxed. “It’s okay. I’m just jumpy.”

“I also want to apologize for how your Introduction Scene ended.”


Studying Master Adam’s face didn’t give Angel much of a hint as to what he was thinking.

“Apology accepted.”

When he’d first grabbed her arm she’d reacted instinctively, even as the thought went through her mind that no one was going to bother her here at Stronghold. She should have felt safe, but since she’d been on her way over to the Lounge area, cursing this man for not even glancing her way, she’d been bitten by an attack of nerves. Now that he was standing in front of her, looking down at her in a way which made her feel strangely vulnerable, she was feeling even more unsettled.

Maybe that was partially because she could still feel his fingers on her elbow. Damn he was hot. It wasn’t fair she was so darn attracted to him when he seemed completely oblivious to her.

Leigh had bet he would follow her if she headed towards the Lounge area, but maybe he wanted to apologize where no one else could overhear? It would make sense.

“You’re planning on scening tonight?” he asked, with a jerk of his head towards the Lounge area. The question sounded casual, but his blue eyes were looking at her with such intensity that she felt a wild hope springing up inside of her.


“I’d like to make up for the way your scene ended last time.” He held out his hand, palm up. “Would you like to scene with me?”

Damn his impassive face. From the way he phrased the question it sounded like he was trying to set things right, to atone for his previous mistakes. Not because he wanted to scene with her again. The only hint there might be something more, that he felt as strong an attraction to her as she did to him, was in his eyes, which felt like they were boring into her.

She’d told herself she wanted to come to the club to experience scening, whether it was with him or with someone else. The truth was, she would have been willing to scene with someone else, but her first option had always been to try again with him.

“Yes, please.” Her voice was breathy, which made her cringe inwardly as she put her hand in his. Good job Angel, go ahead and show him how much he affects you when he might only be asking out of professional courtesy.

Whatever, she’d take what she could get. If it was anything like last time, it was still going to be really hot. And maybe she wasn’t totally crazy, maybe there would be something more than professionalism.

To her surprise he didn’t immediately lead her away from where they stood. Instead he held her hand between them, his thumb rubbing over her knuckles. Who knew such a tiny gesture could feel so very intimate? Yet she knew if she tried to pull away, he would stop her. Control her. Even in heels it felt like he was towering over her and even though he hadn’t moved an inch, it now felt like they were somehow standing closer to each other.

It was so pathetic how a little hand holding could make her pussy clench.

But it wasn’t just his hand and the caress of his thumb, it was the way he was looking at her, the fact that he looked so damned hot in his button down white shirt and dark blue jeans, exuding the kind of dominant aura she’d always lusted after but never had entirely focused on her. Not until this man. The way he was holding her hand reminded her of the way he’d held it when she’d shaken hands with him at Chained, when she’d felt almost like he was testing her commitment to dominance.

This felt like a different kind of test entirely.