Page 47 of Entering Stronghold

“I’m not totally up on BDSM etiquette, but no, I’m pretty sure the sub isn’t supposed to approach the Dom.”

“Go over to the Lounge and wait for him to come to you.”

“In a minute.”

“Oh my God.” Leigh looked almost awed.


“You’re scared.”

“Am not.”

“Are too. You’re scared you’ll ruin your chances with him if you go over to the Lounge. You’re scared he won’t follow you over there.”

“You get the weirdest ideas when you’ve been drinking.”

“One, I’ve had one drink. And don’t try to change the subject. I bet he’ll follow if you go over there.”

Angel rolled her eyes. “And on what evidence do you base that?”

“The fact that when you’re not looking at him, he keeps looking over at you.”

She glanced over at him, unable to help it. As usual, he wasn’t looking at her. “Liar.”

“Only one way to find out if I’m right.”

“Who made you an expert on men?”

Leigh’s face fell and Angel immediately felt like complete and utter shit. Like she didn’t already know Leigh was having a hard enough time with the whole separation from Michael thing. Not only had she taken yesterday off work, and spent most of it trying to distract herself from crying, she’d barely been better off today. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. I was joking and it was stupid and insensitive and I’m sorry.”

Reaching out, Leigh placed her hand over Angel’s. “It’s okay, I know you didn’t mean it that way.” She smiled and her eyes regained a little bit of their sparkle. “But I still bet I’m right.”

Angel peeked at the guys again. “Five minutes. I’ll go over there in five minutes.”


For the first time, he’d come to the club without knowing what he was going to be doing. Normally he knew exactly what he wanted to do at the club, whether it was a scene with a sub or spend time with his friends. Tonight he’d decided to leave it open to a spur of the moment decision. It was not a comfortable feeling for him, but since he couldn’t decide what he wanted before he left the house he figured it was best to stay flexible.

So far all he’d done was observe.

Observe Angel. Observe Angel with Michael. Observe Angel with Leigh. Observe Angel as she sat with Leigh, separated from Michael.

Somehow, they’d ended up in gender groups, him, Patrick, and Michael in one conversation at the bar while Angel and Leigh sat at a table only a few feet away having their own separate conversation. And Adam still didn’t know what he wanted.

“Are you going to scene tonight?” Patrick asked Michael. “We’ve got a fair number of masochists in the Lounge area tonight. I’m sure Andrew can point you in the right direction.”

Well that got Adam’s attention. For all he’d been standing here getting to know Michael a little better, somehow the topic of his preferred kinks hadn’t come up yet. And that was a little bonus tidbit of information for Adam, because he knew Angel wasn’t a painslut.

“No, I’m here so Angel can try a scene without feeling guilty about deserting Leigh,” Michael said easily, clearly unaffected by the idea of Angel scening with someone else.

“You’re not going to scene with Angel?” Andrew asked, with a sidelong glance for Adam. He ignored both of them and looked over to see Leigh glancing at her watch and tapping it while Angel gave her a dirty look. More than one Dom was eyeing the two women like they were considering approaching, even though they weren’t in the Lounge area.

Michael looked right at Adam, catching his attention and holding it.

“No, Angel and I like to flirt but nothing’s ever going to happen between us. She’s not ever going to be intimate with a guy who has been with one of her friends, and even if I managed to convince her to move past that, I know we’re not compatible. The amount of pain which interests her is way too light for me and the amount I like to dole out would be nothing but punishment for her.”

The words were said cleanly and succinctly, and he didn’t look away from Adam once as he said them. Both Patrick and Andrew looked gleeful at Michael’s bluntness. Adam kept his face impassive, not giving anything away. He didn’t need everyone butting into his business when he hadn’t even decided what he was going to do yet.