Pushing down his attraction, shoving away the parts of his brain that wanted to argue with him, Adam gently eased the plug from her asshole and began to undo the restraints. Angel softly murmured and then whimpered as he removed the clamps. He rubbed her breasts, ignoring the way his cock jerked as he helped the circulation return to her nipples.
He didn’t want to be turned on by what he was doing. He wanted to finish the scene as quickly as possible and get out of there before he started ignoring the red flags and started indulging in his attraction to her.
Helping her up off of the bench, he picked up her pile of clothes and handed them to her. “Here. You can get dressed again here or I can take you to the locker room to get dressed there.”
Swaying slightly on her feet, her heels wobbly, Angel blinked at him. The clothes hung between them in his hand. Shit. She was more spacey than he’d realized.
“What are you doing?” The sharp voice behind him was all too familiar.
Adam groaned. When the hell had Olivia gotten there? He spun around. “What are you doing here? I thought you were at a conference.”
“It ended early. What the hell are you doing?” The Domme glared at him, moving past him to Angel’s side where she wrapped her arm around the wobbly woman. He knew the moment Olivia recognized her, but that didn’t stop the outraged Domme from cuddling Angel and giving him another dirty look. “She can’t get dressed. She’s completely overwhelmed.”
Yeah, and he’d been about to help Angel, but now that Olivia was here he could hand that duty off to her. Take advantage of Olivia mistaking his intentions. She’d taken care of Angel and not get caught up in an attraction that couldn’t lead to anywhere. While she might chew him out later, it’d be worth it.
Olivia glared at him. The ultimate mother hen. Olivia was well known for treating all the unattached subs as her own, match-making as she went. Before she could retort back to him however, Jared was bounding down the steps and coming up next to her.
It was amazing how fast all of them reacted to Olivia’s call, without even thinking about it.
“What’s going on?” he asked, immediately sensing the tension in the air. He eyed Angel’s shell-shocked expression with concern.
“Here, Angel, go with Jared,” Olivia said, steering Angel to the big man. Instinctively Jared reached out, scooping her up into his arms. “Master Adam and I need to have a talk.” Something inside Adam’s chest growled as he watched Angel snuggled into Jared’s arms, closing her eyes. That was bad. He was already feeling attached.
He didn’t even realize he was staring after Angel and Jared as the big man carried her over to the aftercare corner until Olivia grabbed his arm and forcibly turned him around. Every muscle tensed, a precursor to violence, before he remembered himself and she released his bicep, frowning.
“Jesus, you are on edge,” she muttered before her glare came back into full force. “What the hell is wrong with you? You’ve been obsessing about this woman for weeks now, she shows up, she’s obviously submissive... it’s everything you were hoping for. I didn’t see the full scene, but what I did see was hot as hell. What the hell happened?”
“I wasn’t obsessed. And she lied.” His initial indignation and anger welled up again, overtaking his other emotions. “She’s known all along she’s submissive, she was faking being a Domme at Chained. At least that’s what she claims. How can I even tell? You saw last weekend what a good actress she is. She could be playing all of us.”
Aggravation had him fisting his hands. He wanted to turn and look to see what was going on behind him. In fact, he was pretty sure Olivia had deliberately placed him so he wouldn’t be able to see the aftercare corner. Of course, he knew Jared wouldn’t do anything inappropriate. He liked after care and cuddling and taking care of a blissed out submissive. Hell, Adam liked that part too and it was now killing him to have voluntarily given it over to someone else.
As if she knew his attention had wavered, Olivia stepped forward and grabbed the front of his shirt, right around the collar. Her eyes were bright silver with anger.
“Look asshole. You don’t like surprises and you don’t like not knowing things, because you don’t like being out of control. After the way your mom up and left your Dad and you and your brother without any warning, I get it. But this is not the same.”
“That has nothing to do with this,” he growled, glaring back at her. “I can handle surprises. I didn’t know Brooke was a masochist and I handled that break-up fine.” It was something he reassured himself with on a regular basis.
“Again, not the same,” Olivia insisted. “You two discovered that together. You got blindsided tonight when Angel showed up as a submissive and you found out she’d been hiding it from you. I don’t know her reasons for doing what she did, but I know you’re taking out your own issues on her. You still decided to do a scene with her tonight and you owe it to her to take care of her through the end of it. And that includes taking care of her afterwards. Especially when she put her trust in you tonight and you’re not repaying her trust. You should be the one taking care of her right now, not Jared.”
It burned when she was right.
“Fine,” he snapped out as she let go of his shirt. He knew she was standing, fists planted on her hips, and watching as he headed over to the aftercare corner. Jared glared at him as he approached.
Standing in front of Jared, looking down at the soft bundle of woman in his arms, now securely wrapped in a blanket, Adam sighed and felt the anger leaking away.
“Are you okay now?” Jared asked.
“Yeah. I’m sorry you had to come down and do my job for me.”
“No problem.” Smiling almost fondly, Jared looked down at the sleepy brunette. “She’s a sweetheart.”
Something very like jealousy stirred in Adam’s chest, making his voice gruff as he answered. “I’ll take her now.”
“You going to take care of her?”
He bristled. “Yes.”
After a moment Jared stood, easily despite the fact that he was carrying Angel’s entire weight, and passed her over to Adam. She fit nicely in his arms, and didn’t even seem to be aware she was being passed around. Immediately after the transfer she snuggled into him as happily as she’d been snuggled into Jared.