Either she was the world’s greatest actress or the scene had been as intense and mind-blowing for her as it had been for him.
Leaning back in the couch, he thought over what Olivia had said. Scening was all about trust, and how could he trust her when she’d lied to him from the moment he’d met her?
And Olivia’s accusation about his mom... So what if he didn’t like surprises? He hadn’t liked them before his mom left either. Sure, she’d left without any warning, but it wasn’t like he had any hang-ups thinking she hadn’t wanted him or Brian. The reasons his parents divorced had nothing to do with their kids and their subsequent dealings with each other had been so bitter because both of them had wanted the kids and weren’t above trying to make them take sides.
The year after his mom had left he’d immediately chosen his dad because he’d been so angry with her. She’d spent so much time lying to all of them, pretending she was happy and then she up and left… so yeah, okay, he could see how Olivia might think some of his anger tonight could possibly be an overreaction due to his past. Adam couldn’t be sure it wasn’t.
Angel shifted in his arms, murmuring. Soft, warm woman, wriggling against his dick, which apparently didn’t care he shouldn’t be lusting after her. Thinking over the scene, he wanted to believe she hadn’t acted or pretended for any of. It had all seemed like honest, instinctive, open reactions. The kind of giving responses a Dom dreamed about.
Looking down at the woman in his arms, he tipped her back and she smiled rather dreamily up at him. The cloudy, hazy look in her eyes said she wasn’t all there. Again, the kind of thing he liked to believe couldn’t be faked.
“Angel, how are you doing?”
She sighed and turned her head into his chest, snuggling into him again. Shifting her weight, he held her closer, pulling her head into his shoulder and enjoyed the sensation. Most of his anger had drifted away, although he still hated the uncertainty about whether or not he was reading her correctly.
As was becoming almost habitual around Angel, Adam felt unsure of himself. And he didn’t like it at all.
He hadn’t kissed her. Not once. That’s what was bothering her. She made a face. There were a million other things which should be bothering her—like the fact she’d gotten naked in a room full of people and then let what was basically a complete stranger put his hands all over her body—but what was really getting to her was the fact he hadn’t kissed her.
Not once.
After she’d come out of her pleasure induced stupor—which had been more than a little embarrassing—he’d helped her get dressed, gotten her water and chocolate, and took her back upstairs to Patrick’s office so she could talk to the big man on campus. Kind of like an exit interview.
She hated to admit how much it bothered her the next day when she thought over the encounter and realized he hadn’t kissed her. Angel liked kissing. She liked it a lot. And with her body still tingling and thrumming every time she thought about all the other things he’d done with her, she hated to have missed out on it.
Maybe it was a Pretty Woman kind of thing. No kissing because it was too intimate. After all, he hadn’t chosen to do a scene with her. He’d been chosen for her. Just because she’d had the most amazing sexual experience of her life, that didn’t mean he felt the same way.
Hell, maybe it was because it was her first time with a man doing the things she’d always fantasized about and he’d known exactly what he was doing. Maybe she’d have the same reaction to any strong dominant man who was experienced in the things she craved. All day she’d been wondering.
All she knew was she had to find out.
Good thing she hadn’t made any plans for tonight, although she normally had something going on Fridays. She was going back to Stronghold.
“Knock, knock.” Justin matched the deed to the words, standing halfway in the doorway of Adam’s office. Adam scowled. He’d purposefully avoided lunch with the other man today. “Can I come in?”
“Depends on what you want to talk about.”
After being lectured by Patrick last night and receiving a blistering e-mail from Olivia after he ignored her call, he wasn’t in the mood to be lectured by anyone else. Not that he was sure Justin knew, but the way gossip went around their group of friends they seriously resembled a bunch of giggling high school girls sometimes. When Justin shut the door behind him, Adam scowled even more, knowing Justin would only do it if he wanted to talk to him about something serious.
Since he knew there wasn’t anything going on with the company, that meant it had to be personal.
“So.” Justin sat down in one of the chairs, stretching his long legs out in front of him to lounge comfortably. “Thank God it’s Friday, huh?”
Tapping the base of one of his pens, Adam stared across the desk at him. The smile on Justin’s face widened to a grin which made him look even more like Chris than he usually did. Silence stretched between them, but it was obvious Adam’s reluctance to speak was amusing Justin more than anything else.
“What do you want?” he asked, a little sourly. He was not in the mood for chit chat. Even after he’d gone home last night, he hadn’t been able to sort out his conflicting emotions.
Discovering Angel’s deception, followed almost immediately by one of the most intense scenes of his life, and then a lecture about his own failings from Patrick had not left him in the best state of mind. A good night’s sleep would have been helpful, if only he’d been able to fall asleep. Instead, he found himself picking apart the scene over and over again, trying to remember every movement, every word, and every facial expression.
“I heard you had an interesting scene at the club last night.”
Adam stopped tapping the pen and gripped it tightly in his fist. “I hate our group of friends sometimes.”