Page 18 of Entering Stronghold

Mike chuckled. “Well I’m looking forward to hearing about it. When I get in town we’ll have to go together.”

“Sounds good.”

“Alright darling, I have to go. I’ll call you later and we’ll hash out the details.” Like many things Mike said, it came out as an order rather than a question. Angel didn’t mind, she’d always been easy going and honestly, that part of Mike’s personality had been what attracted her to him. It was part of what told her she was submissive. Of course, that didn’t mean she didn’t poke at him, because that was part of her personality.

“Okay, pretty boy.”

“Pest.” The insult was said affectionately.

Angel sighed as she hung up the phone. She hoped she did meet someone at Stronghold she could connect to. Master Adam’s face floated through her head again, but she pushed it away. She wasn’t going back to Chained.



Adam had invaded Justin’s office and was eating lunch with him when his phone rang. Pulling it from the case permanently attached to his hip, he checked the caller ID and flipped it open.


“Come on, you don’t even know what I’m going to ask!” Andrew sounded more resigned than offended though.

“Yes, I do, and the answer is no.”

From across the desk, Justin held back laughter as he watched Adam talk.

“I need the night off, my sister’s ride to the airport fell through.”

“Tell her to take a cab.”

Andrew sighed. “You know she never asks me for anything. I don’t want to tell her no, and Olivia can’t because she’s gonna be at some conference. Please, Adam.”

He groaned, knowing already he was going to say yes. Andrew’s complicated relationship with his younger sister Iris was something all of them were well aware of. If she’d asked Andrew for help, then Adam couldn’t be the bad guy and stand in his way.

“Fine, but you owe me.”

“Thanks, man.”

Hanging up the phone, Adam let out a huff of air and glared at Justin, who was obviously amused. This was already not the best Monday he’d ever had and it had already gotten worse because he was not interested in dealing with an Introduction Scene this week.

“I blame you,” he said, glaring at Justin. The other man raised one dark eyebrow. “If you and Chris hadn’t gotten together with Jessica then Liam would have never met Hilary and all three of you would still be helping out with the Introduction Scenes.”

“And if you were trying to find a sub instead of talking about trying, then you might not be helping out with them anymore either,” Justin said, completely unfazed by Adam’s bad temper.

“You and your logic.”

“Gets you every time.”

But it was true and Adam knew it was. Normally that would be enough to help him get back on an even keel, but he’d been decidedly off kilter for weeks now and the weekend hadn’t helped the way it was supposed to.

Dammit. He’d still been attracted to Angel, mistress or not, and he’d found himself more intrigued rather than less. Last night he’d had a dream about her. Sadly, not an erotic one. No, it was all too obviously a correlation for his life; he’d spent the entire dream chasing her, never quite catching her. She’d been wearing one of the costumes from the first act of the play, a soft pink sundress which matched her lips and made her look like innocence ready for debauching.

Once he’d woken up, he hadn’t been able to get back to sleep and it had put him in a pretty bad mood first thing in the morning.

He studied Justin. In some ways he’d always considered them to be fairly alike. Despite that they managed to get along well and even work together. “How did you know?”

“Know what?”

“About Jessica.”