“What about her?” Justin looked at him with exasperation, not an expression normally seen on the intimidating Dom’s face. Subs would probably cower at the almost threatening tone to his voice.
“You and Chris... you two barely knew her but you were drooling over her long before you followed her to the Venus School. How did you know she’d be right for you?”
“We didn’t,” Justin said simply. He looked at Adam and sighed, clearly seeing that such a concise explanation wasn’t going to cut it. A little smile played on his face, but he didn’t mention Mistress Angela. Adam decided he liked Justin even more than he’d thought. “We were both attracted to her. We both liked what we saw, and even though she never gave us the chance to talk to her, we had observed her talking with the people she was more comfortable with. We went to the school because we wanted to get to know her and we wanted to see if either of us would connect with her.”
“And you both did.”
“Yes.” The smile on Justin’s face belonged to a happy, smitten, and smug man. “But we couldn’t have known so in the beginning.” He paused, obviously thinking back to the time before his last stint at the Venus School. “And Olivia thought she was probably a submissive, and she was friends with Jessica so we trusted her judgment.”
Inwardly Adam groaned. Olivia again. Except Olivia thought he should leave Angel alone.
He rubbed his hand over his face again. He’d been doing that a lot lately. Because, deep down, he knew Olivia was right. It was time to get his head out of his ass.
Breathe. You can do this.
Easier said than done. Breathing in a corset was never easy in the first place. Breathing in a corset when she was sitting down was even more difficult. Although this one was at least slightly less constrictive than some of her others; it was one she’d made special—basically a waist cincher with a shelf for her breasts to rest on. She’d put on a filmy shirt that gave the illusion of possibly being translucent underneath it; the high neck and long sleeves were edged with lace and looked faintly Victorian. All of it was pure white, as was her skirt, her fishnets, and the incredibly high heels she was wearing.
Tapping her fingers on her steering wheel, Angel stared at the behemoth of a warehouse that was Stronghold.
It reminded her strongly of how she’d felt when she’d gone to Chained weeks before. Except this was so much harder because she’d been there to observe; tonight she was going to have an encounter with a real, live Dom. Who was going to touch her and more. Spank her. Tie her up. Let her try all the things she’d been fantasizing about.
The fabric of her shirt rubbed against her nipples and she blushed when she realized how hard they’d become.
Glancing at the clock she decided to go inside. Testament to her nerves, she’d gotten ready early and then couldn’t stand sitting around the house so she’d come to the club twenty minutes too soon. Now she was sitting in her car because there had been no traffic and she couldn’t stand sitting here either.
Might as well go into the club. Maybe they’d let her poke around for a few minutes. At any rate, there had to be more to look at than the inside of her car.
Normally she had no problem walking in high heels, in fact the higher the better, but her knees were wobbly as she made her way to the front door. She double checked the address, because this didn’t look like a sex club... but it was correct.
Taking a deep breath, she pushed open the door and was immediately coaxed inside by the warmth seeping out of the building.
Okay, not as much to look at as she might have thought. Chained’s first room had been a lot more impressive. This was obviously an entryway lobby, meant to give you the option to turn around and run screaming if you’d somehow happened into it by chance. A bored looking pixie-ish girl with black hair was sitting behind a desk in front of what looked like a closet; the only other person in the room was standing in the doorway to what Angel assumed was the club.
He was huge; possibly the tallest person she’d ever seen in real life. Gorgeous, with dark skin and short bristles of black hair hugging his skull. If he ever got a bald spot, no one would know; they’d have to be a pro basketball player to be tall enough to see the top of his head. Of course, he’d never be able to sit down again. The thought made her grin, and then blush as she realized he was smiling back at her, his dark eyes studying her almost as intensely as she was studying him.
Ducking her head at his scrutinizing gaze, Angel turned her attention to the girl behind the desk, assuming that’s where she was supposed to go. The girl was studying her too, but she wasn’t nearly as scary as the big guy.
“Hi, I’m Ang—Angie,” she said, remembering the club name she’d chosen. “I’m here for an Introduction Scene.”
The girl’s face lit up. She had bright blue eyes with long black lashes, startling with her pale skin and black hair. It was pretty though. Angel had always wished she had some kind of exotic combination like that, although she’d eventually grown to love the amberish cast to her own hazel eyes. Dressed in definite Goth clothing with a black fishnet shirt, black bra, and black skirt, she made Angel wonder if she should have gone with a more ‘traditional’ fetish outfit. But her white cincher was the only one she had which left her breasts free... all her other corsets completely covered them and would have had to be taken off if the Dom wanted to play with her boobs—she wasn’t sure that would prohibit it.
Kind of slutty reasoning, on one level, but she didn’t want to miss out on any experiences and yet she didn’t relish the idea of being entirely unclothed.
“Welcome to Stronghold, I’m Lexie,” she chirped back, grinning in a warm and friendly fashion. Angel found herself relaxing immediately. “Can I take your coat?”
“Yes please... do I need my ID and things?”
“Yeah, you’ll want that kind of stuff to give to Patrick. He’ll hold onto them while you do your scene, although normally you’ll turn stuff in here. Leave your cell phone here though, they’re not allowed in the club unless you’re a doctor or police officer or something like that.” Lexie looked at her questioningly and Angel shook her head.
Taking the small clutch out of her pocket, Angel shrugged off her coat and held it out to Lexie.
“Oh my god... I love your outfit!” Lexie was staring in frank admiration. “I’ve never seen an all-white get-up... where did you get the corset?”
“I made it.”
“Holy crap... it’s gorgeous!” Lexie’s eyes traveled all over Angel, taking in the way her breasts were propped up and accessible, and how tiny her waist had been pulled in. “Do you think you could make one for me?”