If she’d been his sub he would have asked her to expound on what she found so fascinating about the activities of the club. As it was, he held the question in, still watching her carefully.
“What do you think?” she asked in return, shooting a quick smile at the sub who brought her drink. The young man nearly fell over himself with happiness at her notice of him, but she turned back to Adam quickly enough, leaving the young man to sigh with regret and trot off again.
“About the same as you,” he said. “Except I wish there were more single female subs around.” Angela’s eyes darted away around the room as she brought up the drink to her mouth. Internally, Adam frowned. Had she done so to hide her expression? Taking a sip of drink or a bite of food was a good way of changing the way your face looked. Or was he reading way too much into everything? Stop it. “Our server seems to have taken a liking to you.”
Angela’s lips curved into a sweet smile as she put her drink down. “He’s cute, but not my type.”
Immediately he wondered again what her type was, the thoughts whizzing past him with no brakes. Did she even know?
“How did you hear about Chained?” he asked, even though what he really wanted to know was how she decided she was a Domme.
“Oh, theater people,” she said. “I got into a community theater show recently, one of the crew and I were talking and she mentioned Chained. I thought I’d come check it out.”
“What show?” This time he wasn’t making small talk, he was genuinely curious. He’d done a lot of theater in high school and college, although he hadn’t pursued it since then. Some of his friends from theater had gone on to New York or LA, or were working the circuit in DC, and a few of them did community theater, although he almost never went to see the shows.
“The Rivals. Eighteenth century comedy of errors type thing, only this production they’ve set at an island resort in the 1960s.” Angela laughed, a cheerful and forthright sound, loud and clear. He could see her doing theater. Despite the noisiness of the club, he hadn’t had trouble hearing one word she said. She was obviously very good at projecting her voice to exactly the right degree to make herself heard but not include the entire room in their conversation. “So what about you? How did you end up here tonight? I’m assuming since this place just opened it doesn’t have ‘regulars’ yet.”
Adam was trying to decide whether or not to tell her about Stronghold (it seemed a little gauche to advertise another place while still in the club) when Rick came back up to the table.
“Alright, I give in,” he said with a groan. “There are no submissives I’m interested in here tonight. Unless you’re a switch?” The question was said with a complete lack of hope, making it a joke, to Angela.
“Switch?” she asked, looking momentarily confused and highlighting her newness to the scene, even if she obviously had done some research.
“Someone who enjoys being both dominant and submissive,” Adam explained, watching her reaction carefully.
Did she catch her breath a little? If she did it wasn’t much, and she immediately lifted her drink to her mouth again.
“Um, no,” she said. “Definitely a Domme.” Well that last part was said with complete conviction. Still, Adam couldn’t shake the feeling he was missing something about her. There had been some hesitation, unless he was fooling himself. Maybe she was scared of admitting to a submissive side? Or maybe his wishful thinking was getting out of hand. He really needed to find a sub to scene with if he was going to start lusting after Dommes.
“That’s what I thought,” Rick said with another mournful sigh. “I think I’m going to be getting out of here.” He switched his gaze to Adam. “Want to come back to my place for a beer?”
“Sure,” said Adam easily. What he wanted to do was untangle the mystery of Angela, but that might be easier done in a more private location. He flashed a quick look at Rick, giving a slight tilt of his head towards the beautiful Domme. Fortunately, Rick was quick on the uptake.
“Join us?” asked Rick. Bless him.
“Oh, uh...” Angela looked completely taken aback.
Join them? Good grief... no. She couldn’t possibly do that. Being in the club and talking to Mr. Grouchy, who had become decidedly less grouchy and even more sexy as they’d chatted, was making her feel all melty inside. She was having more and more trouble pretending she didn’t want to beg one of them to show her the ropes. Literally.
Going back to a private place with two dominant men, one of whom she was very attracted to, sounded like a recipe for disaster if she wanted to keep up appearances. And she knew they wouldn’t appreciate being lied to. BDSM was all about honesty and communication, not exactly something she was excelling at every time she lied to them about her predilections. Plus, heading off with two men she’d just met wasn’t safe either, no matter how trustworthy they seemed.
Especially since she’d lied to them again. Why hadn’t she said she was a switch? That could have solved so many problems in one fell swoop. They knew she was new to the scene. Instead, she’d panicked and insisted she was a Domme.
Self-preservation maybe. After all, even if she was going to experiment with this, did she really want to start off with someone as intimidatingly alpha as Adam? Rick wasn’t quite as scary, but she wasn’t as attracted to him either. Also, no matter what her instincts about their trustworthiness were, she didn’t know either of them. Insisting she was a Domme was the best tactic.
Before she could decide whether or not to accept their invitation there was a small commotion to the side, Dungeon Monitors converging on one of the scenes to her right. Rick and Adam turned in their seats to see what was going on as an angry Dom punched one of the DMs who was dragging him away from the bound sub. Two of them were unhooking her from the St. Andrew’s cross and she was obviously crying. Angel bit her lip. That kind of scene was exactly why she was experimenting at Chained, getting her bearings before going to the club she wanted to join. The scene must have gotten out of control and either the sub didn’t have a safe word, didn’t say it, or the Dom ignored it.
No, she shouldn’t be trusting strange men, not even if her instincts told her they were okay. And not even if they were both staring at the scene with contained violence, like they wanted to jump in and help the DMs drag the recalcitrant Dom from the club. The gist of what he was saying seemed to indicate he was more of an abuser than a Dom or maybe a sadist. She only caught a glimpse of his sub as they wrapped her in a blanket, undoing the ball gag from around her head before hustling her off to a private room.
“They’ll take care of her,” she heard Adam say, and felt his soft touch on her hand. Very gently. That was when she realized she was trembling. The feel of his hand on hers sent a shiver of lust straight through her, despite the upsetting scene she’d witnessed. Time to go. She wasn’t trying the lifestyle out tonight, on her first visit, no matter how good looking and tempting Master Adam might be. He’d probably hate her if he knew she was lying, only pretending to be a Domme, and who could blame him?
Pulling her hand away from Adam she gave him a nod, her face carefully blank to control the emotions roiling underneath.
“I think I’ve had enough for tonight,” she said firmly, even though there was still a little bit of drink left in her glass. “It was very nice to meet you.”
He frowned at her and she got the feeling he was disappointed she wasn’t going to accept Rick’s offer to join them. Why? While she was very attracted to him, he couldn’t possibly be interested in her considering he thought she was a Domme. Unless maybe he was a switch but she didn’t believe that for one second. He had an incredible aura of power and confidence around him, just from his personality. Although being over six feet tall and muscled like a professional athlete probably didn’t hurt either. It was an aura she could project when she needed to, but with her it was an act. Apparently an effective one, but still make believe.