The look of disappointment and disapproval on his face made her squirm internally, testing her ability to keep her expression under control. I am a Domme, she reminded herself. For tonight at least. But somehow Adam made her want to stop pretending, drop to her knees, and beg to be punished for her deception.

In fact, she was probably going to masturbate fantasizing about him the second she got home.

Unlike Adam, Rick didn’t look at all disappointed or perturbed. He gave her a friendly smile and held out his hand. “It was nice meeting you, Angela.”

“You too,” she smiled back at him, taking his hand and giving it a firm shake. Turning to Adam she offered him her hand as well. “It was nice to meet you.”

His intent gaze on her face caused her smile to slip a little as he reached for her hand and shook it, his thumb practically caressing her skin. Angel’s breath caught in her throat, although she did her best to hide it, and she tugged her hand away. For a moment he didn’t let her and heat flared through her body. Had he found her out? Then he released her and she had to use all of her willpower to keep her traitorous knees firmly locked. He had that kind of effect.

“Good night,” she said, noting with pleasure that there wasn’t the slightest hint of a tremor in her voice. Just because she’d never wanted to be a professional actress didn’t mean she was without abilities. With a firm and steady step, forcing herself not to rush, she headed to the entrance to collect her coat before escaping outside. Getting into her car, she groaned a little over the late hour and the long ride home. Where there would be a warm bed and her vibrator waiting, and she could lose herself in a fantasy of knowing blue eyes dominating her completely. It was too bad that would never come true, since he obviously belonged to Chained and she wasn’t going to be coming here as a sub. Although she’d be back next week, to check things out again. See if there were any more situations like that awful Dom and the poor girl tonight. Mostly it looked like everyone was keeping it safe, sane, and consensual, and she found that very reassuring.

And it didn’t have anything to do with the possibility she might run into Mr. Grouchy and his icy, demanding eyes again.


“Okay, what is with you tonight?” Rick asked, frowning at Adam. “I’ve never seen you act like that around a Domme before.”

Adam rubbed the fore and middle fingers of his right hand over the sides of his goatee, and then smoothed it all down as he sighed. He knew the movement was one of his tells, which meant he could control it if he was paying attention, but right now he was a little too worked up. Especially in the groin region. Something inside of Angela had responded when they said goodbye, responded in the way a sub would, not a Domme.

“I think she might be a switch and not know it,” he said, which was only partially true. Another part of him was wondering if she only thought she was a Domme. She was obviously new to the scene and sometimes people came in thinking they were one thing when really their desires went in a completely different direction. While she’d done some research and had the right clothes, that didn’t equate to the knowledge which came from actually exploring desires. His groin tightened again as he remembered how beautiful her skin looked against her curling dark hair and the forest green of her top.

She’s not for you. Even if she is a switch, she thinks she’s a Domme. And even if she is a switch, you want a sub, not someone who has needs to be on top as well as bottom, remember?

Grimacing, he downed the last of his drink.

“You mean you hope she’s a switch so you can play with her,” said Rick, looking amused. It wasn’t often anyone got to see Adam thrown off kilter and he was obviously enjoying seeing it happen. “I didn’t notice anything to indicate that, but I wasn’t watching closely either. Unlike some people, apparently.”

“Did you see the way she responded when I didn’t let go of her hand right away?”

“Maybe she didn’t like being challenged but didn’t feel like she could say anything.”

Well that was a possibility too. The enigma that was Angela was going to haunt Adam all night, he could already tell. He didn’t like mysteries but he couldn’t stop running through his mind all of the interactions with her he’d had over the evening, trying to figure her out.

“Let’s go,” he said. Maybe if they got out of here he would be able to focus on something else.



Angel was in the middle of baking a new recipe off from Pinterest—salted caramel butter bars (one entire pound of butter, good grief)—when her doorbell rang. Setting down her hand mixer and the bowl she hurried to answer it.

“Leigh,” she said, feeling her heart sink as soon as she took in the sorry sight of her best friend. “Come in, are you okay?”

Looking forlorn in her flannel pants and Wonder Woman t-shirt, Leigh walked past Angel into the apartment. Her waist length straight brown hair with its dark blonde highlights was up in a messy bun. Normally, Leigh wore nothing but classy little suits and stylish outfits, helping her present a certain ‘image’ to the world. It was all for the good of her long-term boyfriend, Michael Rocke, whom she’d been dating since their freshman year of college.

Now, whenever she came over looking like this it meant there was trouble in ‘paradise’ again.

“Leigh?” Angel asked, closing the front door as her friend didn’t answer. Whatever it was it couldn’t be too bad because Leigh didn’t look like she’d been crying.

“I don’t know,” said her friend with a sigh. Her mismatched eyes looked miserable as she met Angel’s gaze, one greenish hazel and the other hazel, framed by some of the longest lashes Angel had ever seen. There were times when she’d joked about finding a way to steal them from her. “Michael’s acting weird again and I’m... Annoyed. Frustrated. Antsy.”

“Come into the kitchen and tell me about it,” Angel said, giving her friend a big hug. Leigh clung to her for a moment before letting go and they went into the kitchen.

“Where are the guys?” Leigh asked, referring Angel’s housemates. Angel had responded to a Craig’s list ad three years ago and ended up getting along so well with the guys when she first met them that they’d accepted her application immediately and they were all still living together in the same house three years later. Leigh liked them too, although she preferred not to talk about her Michael-issues when they were around because they’d get all defensively protective, despite the fact that they weren’t exactly poster boys for male aggression.

Angel snorted. “They’re at a LAN party so they’ve been gone all weekend. I don’t expect them back until late tonight.”

About six times a year her housemates would go to a friend’s, hook up their computers with about five other guys, and play whatever new gaming release had recently come out. Or they’d have friends over to do so at the house. They were always trying to get her to start gaming with them, especially World of Warcraft, but she already knew she didn’t have the time for the kind of commitment they gave to their characters. She also knew if she started, she probably wouldn’t be able to stop, so it was better to never start.