
“You sound weird.”

“He just came across a little panicked. It was concerning. Just promise you’ll tell me if there’s something going on or something wrong. We need to be thinking about the end of your contract. We can’t have any trouble if you want to be re-signed.”

“I honestly have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not doing anything illegal here, if that’s what you’re thinking.”Not this visit anyway.

Seth scoffs, and I imagine him raising an eyebrow. “Despite my earlier joke, you and illegal activity would never cross my mind.”

“Okay, then.”


We say our goodbyes, and when I hang up, Pippa’s staring at me with wide eyes. “What? Why is everyone acting weird?”

She snaps out of her daze and busies herself packing her bags. The very thing I’m delaying in the hope that Marley will change her mind and let us stay. Wishful thinking, I know.

After dumping one of her bags at the front door, Pippa tells me to hurry, forcing me to bite back a smart-ass response.Hurry? She’s lucky I’m not going home.I am in no rush to pack and get to Willow’s. I need to figure out what I can do to change Marley’s mind, but after that…we will be talking about those photos.

Chapter Twelve


WithDad’scelebrationthisevening, Sara sends me home at midday to give me time to get ready, knowing I’m likely to stare at my options for a few hours before deciding. That, and the fact that I’ve been a bit spaced out all day.

Ever since Pippa mentioned her birthday coming up, I’ve struggled to keep my emotions at bay with my mind on my best friend, Jade. Her birthday was two days before Pippa’s and exactly a month after mine.Was. Past tense. I used to tease her for the short time I was older—how does it feel to only be twelve when I’m a teenager, fourteen feelssooogrown up, you’ll understand soon. But I can’t tease her now. She’ll never be twenty-seven… Hell, she barely experienced life as a fifteen-year-old. And no matter how much time passes, I will never get over it. Not that I’ll ever admit that.I’m fine.Even Sara assumed I was just nervous about the event, and I didn’t correct her. I never do.

I’m half walking, half jogging up my drive, still lost in thought, when I notice a smiling Pippa and a very pissed off Jesse waiting, making me inwardly curse. While I knew they were coming, seeing them here is so much worse. “Sorry, hope you haven’t been waiting long,” I say with a smile. “You should have come past the shop,” I add, passing Pippa my bag while I move to open the front door.

Jesse’s scowl increases, and I almost chuckle to myself.God, that man is infuriating.

“Not long at all,” Pippa says, following me inside, while Jesse mopes behind her.

I give them both a quick tour, and when we’re back in the kitchen, Jesse glances between the hall and the living room before his eyes flash to Pippa’s, and the look he gives her can only be described as growly. He’s not happy about something.But when is he happy?

I beeline for my room to distance myself, and hear their hushed voices as soon as I close my door. I try to come up with funny scenarios as to why he’s in another mood when it hits me… my house is small, and the two bedrooms share a paper-thin wall. Jesse probably realized he’ll have no privacy for the next few days.

I’m not sure what’s worse though—Jesse sulking because he has blue balls, or them deciding they don’t care if I hear anything, meaning I have to listen to it all.

Why the hell would I say yes to this? Oh right, the people pleaser thing I can’t seem to shake.

Choosing to push the issue from my mind—actually, choosing to pushallmy issues from my mind—I grab my dress off the hanger and lay it out on my bed. After releasing my hair from its tight hold, I move over to the dresser and open the top drawer, staring down at my options. I usually value comfort over all else, so most of my bras are cotton or nylon. And by most I mean all except two. The two I bought as “just in case” bras and have never worn.

I run my fingers over the delicate lace of the strapless that fits with my dress, and contemplate my choices. I’d previously decided I wasn’t wearing this tonight and picked out another one instead, but now I don’t know. Something’s changed. I want to feel sexy for once. My dress is beautiful and I’ve been told Ilookbeautiful. But I want tofeelit.

And it absolutely has nothing to do with—

Bang. Bang. Bang!

Shit!I freeze with my hand hovering over the lace bra as Jesse uncomfortably asks if he can come in.

Shoving the bra deep down into a sea of others, I rush out a “yes” before slamming the drawer shut, hiding the evidence.Why? Who the hell knows?

It’s another minute before he opens the door, and I’m so impatient, I almost step forward to open it myself.

“Do you have a spare comforter or something?” he asks, his eyes focused anywhere but on me.
