“I wanted to check in. You know…make sure you’re still functioning in society.”
I’m certain he’s spoken to Pippa, but I amuse him anyway. “If I’m being honest, the answer to that isbarely. Can I come home, Dad? Please?” I put on a voice like I’m a kid stuck at summer camp, and actually smile when Seth laughs. “I’m glad you see the humor in my dire situation.”
“Well, according to my sources, you’re just there to do a motivational speech. How was I supposed to know you needed rescuing?”
“Your sources? You mean Pippa? I don’t need rescuing. I’m fine. I can handle it. I can handle anything.”
“I don’t doubt that. Plus, you look well.”
“I what?” My eyes flash around the room as if I’m about to see his cocky face staring back at me through a window, but that’s insane.Why would he be here?”
Seth laughs out loud for a good thirty seconds—completely at my expense—before finally calming down. “Oh, this is good. You mean, you haven’t seen them?”
“Seen what?”
“The photos of you and Pippa playing happy family.”
“There’s more?”She said she’d tell me. Or did I tell her not to? Jesus, I can’t even remember.
Seth chuckles again. “So, so many.”
I bang my head against the wall a few times before realizing what I’m doing and panic. I’m supposed to be finding a way to stay here, not making it worse.
“You okay over there?” Seth asks, and I’m not sure if he’s referring to right now, or in general. But it doesn’t matter. Both answers are the same—no.
“I’m fine,” I say loudly before muttering, “Fucking Pippa.”
“Ah yes, Pippa,” Seth says, obviously hearing me. “Your girlfriend according to reports,” he says with a smile in his voice.
“You don’t think you should have mentioned that so I could corroborate your bullshit story if it got out?”
“How do you know it’s bullshit?”
“I didn’t. Till now.”
“For fuck’s sake.” I almost drop my head against the wall again but stop myself just in time.
“Don’t worry, your secret’s safe with me. And I think the photos are good for your image. But I want nothing to do with whatever it is you're actually doing. I’ll leave you be, but if I find out you’re trying to swindle some little old lady out of her life savings, I’m going to ask for hush money.”
I roll my eyes, even though he can’t see me, just as Pippa walks in from the bathroom, wrapping a towel around her wet hair.
“Can I ask one thing though?” Seth asks, drawing my attention back to the conversation.
“Will me sayingnostop you?”
“Go ahead then.”
He takes a breath and lets it out slowly. “Why do I have Ryan Blakey asking me where you are?”
“Huh?” Ryan’s one of my younger teammates, but we have little to do with each other outside of the team.
“You two got something going on?”
“Not that I know of? Maybe Coach told him I’d run some drills with him and failed to pass on the message.”Though doubtful because it’s offseason.