“You didn’t stop me? You stand to lose a lot of money if I screw up.”
“Some things are more important than money. Are we going to Willow’s?”
I stare at him for a second, shocked that he’d risk so much, though I shouldn’t be. I’ve always known Seth was a decent guy; I just didn’t realize how far he’d go for me. Even pretending to have a weapon. “Yeah, let’s go to Willow’s.”
I direct Seth with my heart wedged in my throat and a newfound respect. And while I now feel better with him beside me, when we pull into Willow’s drive, I take a moment before getting out. I’m not ready to face the reality of her not being there. There was a part of me that hoped this had been a sick joke, a way to get me back here, but deep down I knew that wasn’t it.
I finally exit the car as Pippa runs outside to meet me, throwing her arms around my neck, crashing into my chest. “Where is she, Jesse?”
My chest tightens as the reality of it all truly sinks in. “I wish I knew, Pip. I’m sorry.”
Pippa studies me for a second and her face falls, her eyes welling with tears.
“I don’t even know how long it’s been. She said she’d be home late, but then when we got home, her door was closed… I assumed she was there…God. Her bed was made when I went in earlier. It’s perfect, Jesse. Like hospital corners and shit. Does she do that before she runs or after? Who has time for that at all? And is that something I should know? I should know that, right? I—”
“Pippa.” I pull her back into my arms and squeeze her tightly. “That’s not something you should know. Take a deep breath. We’ll find her.”
I’m the picture of calm while inside I’m dying. But I’m telling the truth. I’m going to raise hell until she’s safely back in my arms.We will find her.
Pippa pulls away, and her expression switches from concern to understanding, her eyes softening as she smiles. “You fell for her, didn’t you?”
I’m not sure what to say, so I let the question hang in the air. I’m not about to admit that to anyone right now. Especially Pippa.
“What about her tablet?” Willow’s dad calls out from where he’s just stepped out the front door, his ashen expression doing nothing to calm my stress.
Pippa’s eyes flash to his in confusion, until understanding registers. “I thought of that. It might have a ‘find my phone’ app, but I don’t know the password.”
I’m about to ask if anyone’s called the police when Willow’s dad begins to say more, but stops when he registers my presence. I’m sure he’s wondering why I’m back. Just like the photographer I can see hiding behind a tree across the street.
“Sara said she knows it,” he finally says, shaking off his thoughts. “She sometimes needs access for the shop.”
“Let’s take this inside,” I announce, motioning for everyone to move indoors as my eyes flash across the street once more, hoping to keep things more private.Although is that the right move? Should I be speaking to the photographers? Begging them to help find her? Plastering her photo across multiple platforms?
Fuck, I hate feeling so helpless.
The second we step into the hall, Willow’s mom rushes out to meet us. “Where’s the tablet, Pippa,” she says quickly. “I…Jesse?” From both reactions, I’m going to assume no one told Willow’s parents about the two of us. Which makes sense considering we don’t even know what we are. But right now, being looked at like an outsider sucks.
“The password?” I ask, my eyes moving over everyone in the room until I find Sara, ignoring the shock I feel when I see Ashley huddled against Jonah, stress clear on her face.
Pippa rushes into the living room, drawing our attention, and grabs the tablet from one of Willow’s drawers.
Sara crosses her fingers for luck and cringes as she tells Pippa to “try Robinhood16,” making me freeze.
“What?” I question at the same time as Pippa.
When the password gets repeated, Pippa eyes me suspiciously as she types it in, forcing me to internalize my freak-out.Willow remembers.
“How long has she had that code?”Pippa asks, and I can tell she’s trying to keep her emotion off her face.
“She changes it every three months. I think she gave me that one on Monday… no, Tuesday.”
The day after the hot tub.
My heart stops until a realization hits me. “I’ve got to go,” I say, taking off without acknowledging any responses.I know where she is.
Chapter Forty-Nine