Jesse - Twelve Years Ago / Age Sixteen
“God,Ifeellikesuch a bitch for ever thinking I had a bad home life,” Buttercup says as her eyes flash with guilt. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have said that.”
“Don’t. Don’t do that. I didn’t tell you that to make you feel bad. In fact, I don’t even know why I told you.”Except that I get this feeling we’re the same. That deep down, we’re both just trying to make it through this life as we wait for the next one. I’ve seen it in her eyes. The longing. The sadness.
Buttercup smiles as she takes a step closer, her hand brushing against mine. “Maybe you trust me,” she says with a slight lift of her shoulders. “Or maybe you feel the same connection I do?” The slightest pink tinge flushes across her cheeks, and I’ve never seen anything more beautiful.
“Or maybe it’s both,” I rasp, hesitantly connecting our fingers without drawing attention to it.
Yes, we’ve been talking since she arrived on the mountain, and it feels like we know each other, but this is still only the first time we’ve had a conversation. Though, there’s no denying the connection. I’ve felt it since the first time I saw her.
“Robin…” she whispers, trailing off, making me once again regret playing the fake name game. I want to hear her call me Jesse. I want to hear my name whispered from her lips as I make her mine.
“I think you should kiss me,” she rushes out and I freeze.Fuck, I want that. But—
“Don’t think about the reasons you shouldn’t… and just do it,” she adds, cutting me off.
Well, okay then.
Leaning forward, I brush my lips slowly against hers, loving the feel of her as I test it out a couple of times, before deciding not to waste what will likely be my one shot. When she figures out that my life is so much worse than I admitted, she’s going to run for the hills. Or down them in this case.
Pulling her close, I sink my free hand into her hair and angle her face toward me, staring into her striking green eyes as I ignore the images that try to push themselves into my mind.
I’ve just leaned in to kiss her again when we hear raised voices from behind us, and spring apart.
“Fuck, are they arguing?” Buttercup asks, her eyes flashing toward Tate and Lily. I haven’t been able to focus on anything other than Buttercup since she walked into the clearing, so I have no fucking idea what’s happening between them.
But when I look over and see Tate pocket something, I internally cringe. Motherfucker. I know exactly what he’s doing.
“It definitely looks heated. But—”
“We’re leaving!” Lily yells as she marches toward us, aggressively grabbing Buttercup’s wrist to pull her away.
An unwelcome image flashes through my mind as I picture the bruise bracelet she’ll have come tomorrow, but I hold back my rage when Buttercup rips her arm away.
“What the hell, Jade? What’s going on?” she asks with a rage of her own.
“We have to go,” Lily… Jade says, grabbing Buttercup again. “Now!” She takes off in a run, dragging Buttercup behind her, and it’s enough to make me see red.
“Stop!” I yell at the same time Tate does, before we both run after them.
Chapter Fifty
Sharpbranchesattackmyskin as I run through the dense scrub toward the lookout. I know I’m bleeding; I can feel the drops running down my leg, but the sting of the gashes barely register.
Finding Willow is all I care about; I can focus on the rest once she’s safe.
“Willow!” I call out for what feels like the hundredth time. “I swear to God, Buttercup, if you’re just up here enjoying the view…” I huff out a delusional laugh because wouldn’t that be something. What I wouldn’t give to find her sitting on a rock, earbuds in as she drinks in the serenity.
Peaceful. Happy. Still blissfully unaware of the truth that lingers somewhere deep within her mind.
If only.
The trees clear out ahead, and I breathe a little easier. I’m almost there. Just another minute.