What?My eyes flash to Pippa’s, to check if she heard, while my mind spins with likely reasons for his question. He does this sometimes—drops hints that he knows more about my life than he’s admitted.Is that what he’s doing now?Seth’s known as an enigma among the sporting elite because it’s almost impossible to predict who he’ll take on as a client. He’s rejected many world-class athletes during his career, but we only hadonebrief phone call and he agreed to take me on. Being the cocky asshole that I was, I never questioned it. But over the years, I’ve wondered why.
Although, I’m likely overreacting—he could just be worried about my contract. At twenty-eight, I’m nearing retirement, but I want to play for at least three more seasons. We’ve got an excellent shot at the cup and I need to be a part of that. The problem is, my contract ends this season. I’d like to hope that’s what has him concerned, that I’ll do something to mess up my chances of getting a new contract, but I have no idea.
“You have nothing to be worried about,” I say and I mean it. "I’ll be my usual self, just in another location.”
Seth scoffs. “Oh, good. So, you’ll still be a grumpy asshole?”
“You got it,”I deadpan, while Seth laughs.
“Alright. Have fun. I’ll call you if I have anything to say.”
“Thanks. Later.”
He hangs up and I silence my phone, immediately closing my eyes again. I’m done with this day already.
Chapter Three
Pippapokesmeawakesometime later, and I yawn comically, stretching my arms and neck as I focus. But when my eyes lock on the landscape around us, I freeze.“Where are we going?”
With snow-capped mountains and dense forest as far as the eye can see, I realize I probably should have asked her exactly where we were headed before now, because this is not what I was expecting. At all. Unless we’re still midtravels.God, I hope it’s that.
Pippa frowns as she blinks my way, confusion set in her brows. “Uhh, my hometown.”She shrugs like it’s no big deal.And yeah, I got that much.But she failed to mention that her family lived in a small town in the middle of fucking nowhere. She told me she went to school in Salt Lake City, Utah.Salt Lake is a city.And this looks eerily similar to one of the many small towns I grew up in.But it’s not the same. And it’s not that town. Something I’m going to have to keep reminding myself.
“Why do you look like I’ve deceived you somehow? I told you it was a long drive,” Pippa argues, showing a little bit of sass. “Where did youthinkwe were going?”
“Utah!” I exclaim. “I thought you were from Salt Lake City.”
“What? Nuh-uh,” Pippa says and my stomach twists. “I said I went toschoolin Salt Lake City.”
“Yeah, and we’re going to your dad’s retirement party. You said he was your highschoolprincipal.”
God, how did I get this so wrong?
“Different schools,” she says with a shrug before mumbling, “I went to two.”
“You what? You never mentioned that. The only time you’ve ever said anything about school, it’s been Salt Lake City! Why the hell would I ever think you lived anywhere else?”
“Why does it matter? I was only there for my last two years. We’re going back to where I grew up.”
I hate small towns. And right now, all I can picture is a small fucking town.Please don’t let her hometown be small.
“Please don’t be mad,” she says with a fake pout. “Unless it’s mad-ly in love.” She laughs while I groan. “Seriously, I can’t have you messing this up for me.” She puts on a sweet smile, and I scoff before offering her a fake grin in return.“Please,” she begs. “It’s important. When you meet them, you’ll understand.”
I sigh. “Heaven forbid Jacob finds out you’re still pining over him.”
“It’sJonah, and I’m not. I just… I just want him to see that I’m fine. That I’m better than fine. And piss Ashley off at the same time.”
Is she fine?If I read between the lines, I’d guess that she isn’t.
“You’re a catch, Pippa,” I say to cheer her up. “You don’t need to prove anything to anyone.” I mean it. She is a catch. She’s just not someone I want to fish for.
Pippa smiles in thanks, and I try to relax as we continue on, but when we approach a newly painted welcome sign, I remember why we were arguing in the first place—I have no idea where we are.
I open my mouth to ask when the name of the town hits me like a brick to the face, and I’m rocked to my core.Jasper Valley, Oregon.