She sucks in a deep breath after not taking one for her entire explanation and then turns my way.
All I can say is, “damn,” as I cringe. Her sister and her ex? I guess that explains why they don’t get along.
“Damn is right,” Pippa says, releasing a long sigh. “Jonah was my boyfriend in high school. We were together for a year, and he told me he loved me, but the second we broke up, he moved on to my sister.”
“What a fucker.” A small part of me feels for her because her words suggest she’s still hung up on her childhood sweetheart, but there’s another small part of me that wonders if she’s holding something back. Pippa doesn’t seem like the type to get hung up on anyone.
“He told you he loved you…”
“He did…and I ended it.”That’s what I thought.“But that doesn’t give him permission to hook up with my sister.”
“No, it really doesn’t. But why do I feel like there’s more to it?” Pippa cringes again, confirming my suspicion. “Don’t tell me you’ve slept with him since he got with your sister?”I joke to lighten the mood, but Pippa falls silent and looks away, her lips pulled into a lopsided frown.Damn.Guess that makes her argument for needing a fake boyfriend stronger.
“Really?” I ask, though for some reason, I don’t feel all that surprised.
“Yes. I’m an awful person. We’ve been together a few times since they started dating. When he’s been here for work. Butnotsince they got engaged.”
I bite back a smirk and nod. “How decent of you.”
Pippa shrugs with a slight grimace. “Don’t pretend you have a moral compass, Jesse. It doesn’t suit you.”
Oh, I have a moral compass. A small one anyway. That’s why I’m so bitter all the time. If I didn’t have one, life would be grand. Not that I tell her that. We’re not the type of friends that get deep and meaningful. Hence the reason I had no idea this had happened to her.
My lips thin as I lean back and cross my arms. “Okay, so now we have that cleared up, I just wanted to reiterate that I’m not going to kiss you. I get why you’re doing this, but I haven’t changed my mind. No PDA. And it ends as soon as this week is over.”
“Why?” she sasses. “Everyone already thinks we’re together.”
I bite back another groan because I fucking hate when people know my business, orthinkthey know my business. It’s true, they all assume that Pippa and I are more than just friends, and God, it pisses me off. Neither of us have those feelings, nor will we ever. At least, I won't. And Pippa’s adamant she feels the same. Her words were, “I have no ulterior motives when it comes to you, if that’s what you’re worried about. You’re too much of an assholeanda recluse. If I was dating someone for real, he’d be much more fun.” She wants a man I will never be, so we’re good.
“Just agree with me.”
Pippa rolls her eyes again. “Fine. Minimal PDA, no kissing, and it ends on our drive home.”
Close enough.“Thank you.”One week.I only have to pretend for one week. It would be shorter, except that Pippa couldn’t get the hockey rink for the clinic until a few days after the retirement party, and since it’s the only part of this trip I’m looking forward to, I agreed. Because let’s face it, I’m just going to hide away in the hotel when I’m not required for my fake boyfriend duties, so it’s no different to home.
It’s such a long boring drive that at some point, I drift off, only to be awakened by an annoying sound.
God, I hate road trips. I spent my childhood living out of a backpack in the foster system, constantly moving from place to place whenever I wasn’t wanted anymore or the family couldn’t take care of me. I have more horror stories than positive ones. And now, I spend my adult life road-tripping to play hockey. I can’t believe I’m doing this. For that reason and the fact that I don’t do “family” time.Ever. Even the word makes me shiver uncomfortably. My last foster family in Seattle was the closest I came to a “real” family, but I was sixteen by then, so they treated me more like a friend than a son. In all honesty, I have no idea what having a family really means. Or what it feels like. So, why the hell would I agree to hang out with someone else’s? Especially one as complicated as Pippa’s.
I drift off again, only to be awakened a second later with the same noise. “What the actual fuck?”
“It’s your phone, asshole,” Pippa sasses, at the same time I wake from my brain fog and recognize the tone.
“What?” I snap into the receiver, still getting my bearings.
“Hastings. You’re more pissy than usual. What’s going on?” my agent, Seth, asks, his voice so chipper, I want to punch him.
“I’m on my way to Pippa’s thing,” I say, giving him the vague answer I previously gave him, even though I’m certain he has all the details. Pippa would have cleared it with him first.
Seth chuckles, but I can hear him trying to hide it. “That’s right. You’re voluntarily doing a speech for her dad. How very un-Jesse of you.”
“Fuck off. What do you want?”
“Just called for a chat. Are you ready to fill me in on any of the specifics?”
“Nope.” Not a chance. I don’t ever want to admit what I’m doing out loud to anyone.Fucking fake dating bullshit.
“So you’re going on thismysterytrip,awayfrom San Francisco, with Pippa’sfamily. All things you usually avoid. Do I need to be worried?” he asks, his voice now laced with concern.