I sigh, closing my eyes with a nod even though I’m almost certain that’s not what’s going on. It’s not like Willow at all. But playing detective won’t help either.
God, what have I done?I should have told her I knew her from the start, but then, maybe that would have been worse.
“Stop!” I yell when we arrive into Hepburn Falls, and I have to resist grabbing hold of the steering wheel.
Seth slams his foot on the brake before frantically searching our surroundings. “What the fuck?”
“I need you to pull in here,” I say, pointing to the space next to Tate’s Harley.
“Jesus. You could have led with that, instead of making me think I was about to hit someone.”
I don’t bother responding as he swings into the parking space and mumbles something about going straight to Willow’s. Instead, I’m jumping out of the rental car before he’s even switched off the ignition, my sights set on the fucker walking out of the bar.
If he has anything to do with this, he’s a dead man.
Tate smiles as I approach, but when I’m close enough for him to see my expression, the smile fades. “Jesse—”
He shuts up when I slam him against the brick wall, my forearm locked against his throat. I hear a gasp behind me, but I can’t be worried about that right now. I need answers.
“Where the fuck is Willow?”
“Get off me.” Tate tries to push back but it’s useless. There is no way in hell I am budging right now.
Ignoring his struggles, or maybe reacting to them, I push harder as my other hand pins his arm down by his side. “Answer my goddamn question.”
“I haven’t seen her since last night,” Tate squeaks out, his voice strained by the pressure I have on his windpipe. Pressure I have no intention of releasing.
“Where the fuck is she?” I repeat, my teeth clenched so hard it sends a shooting pain through my jaw. “If you know anything—”
“Get your fucking hands off him,” someone says from behind me, and I’m going to guess it’s Alex joining the party. I’m a little bit pissed it wasn’t him that walked out first because I’d much rather be crushing his airflow.
Loosening my grip slightly, I look over my shoulder to confirm it’s him before asking my question a third time. “Where. Is. Willow?”
“We haven’t fucking touched her,” Tate yells, but when his eyes meet Alex’s, his gaze is laced with uncertainty.
“Oh, I’ve touched her.” Alex chuckles as my fist curls, ready to plant it in his face. “But I have no clue what you’re talking about. Maybe she’s just avoiding you.”
“Why don’t I believe you?”
“I don’t give a fuck what you believe.”
“Jesse, think about this,” Tate whispers, drawing my attention back to him. He waits until I’m staring him in the eye before he continues. “If she’s really missing, you’re wasting time.”
His gaze softens, begging me to listen, and I get a glimpse of the guy I used to know. The guy who knows everything.
I release my grip and step back as he coughs a few times. Alex steps forward, his fists clenched to retaliate, but Tate waves him off.
When I turn to walk away, Seth’s standing by the car, watching with a tense expression, his hand hovering near his pocket.
After taking a deep breath, I huff out a laugh and walk away from my only lead, a new panic taking over.
“Robin,” Tate calls out, and I pause but don’t turn around. “I hope you find her.”
I continue on my path toward the car, but look back as I open the passenger door, nodding to Tate before I jump in.
“Fuck, that was tense,” Seth says when I’m seated, pulling his phone from his pocket.