Page 115 of The Sound Of Silence

I’m lost in thought, staring at the phone when his name pops up again… a message this time.

Jesse: I hate you too

An unexpected laugh bursts free, while a giddy feeling runs through me. They may not be the four little words one wants to hear… but to me they’re better.

Translation: I miss you too.

Chapter Forty-Five



It’s barely been twelve hours but I don’t think one minute has passed without her popping into my head, driving me fucking crazy. What is it about the Sanders women? They sure know how to worm their way into my life. I better remember to stay the hell away from Ashley. My lips tighten at my wild thoughts. Look at me, I’m even joking to myself now.Fuck my life.

“You’re smiling,” our team doctor says as he places a questionnaire in front of me. “That’s new.”

My smile widens as I roll my eyes.

“I’m sure I’ve smiled at some point during our six-year relationship,” I joke, but on reflection, I probably haven’t.

“Believe it or not, Jesse, but this is a first.”

I cringe. “Sorry about that. You deserve better.”

Doc barks out a laugh as he points to the sheet in front of me. “You know the drill. Answer based on your thoughts and feelings during the past month. Take your time.”

Taking a deep breath, I pick up my pen and tap it against the table as I read the first question…

In the last month, I have cried for no reason. Never - Rarely - Sometimes - Often - All the time

I finish the questionnaire in ten minutes and wait for the doc to return. When he walks in a few minutes later, his light expression is replaced with a frown.

“Your blood pressure is higher than normal. Anything you need to talk about? Could it be stress? Or should we be sending you off for more testing?”

Goddammit.And I just filled out that mental health checklist saying I was stress free.

Of course, it’s stress.

I’ve spent the last week stressed out of my mind trying to keep away from Willow, and now I’m stressed about her being gone.

“Nothing major. You may have heard I was stuck in Oregon last week. I imagine it’s just the stress of that. Not knowing when I’d get home.”

“Hmmm.” He scratches at his beard, his lips pulling to the side as he thinks through my response. “If that’s the case, it should settle now that you’re home. We’ve got time so how about you come back in a week and we’ll test it again. I won’t report it for now.”

Fucking medicals. If he thinks I’m stressed now, imagine how messed up I’ll be if that stress stops me from securing a new contract. “Sounds good, Doc. I’ll call tomorrow to make an appointment. Your team said they were going home.”Which is fair considering I had to reschedule this appointment to after-hours so I could make it after my drive home.

Seth’s calling me the second I walk out of the room, and I sigh watching his name lighting up my screen.

“Are you having me followed?” I ask as I walk out of the building.

“I’m not. But should I be? Do you need to be followed?”

“I don’t. What’s up?”

Seth laughs. “How did the appointment go? Did you get your regular clean bill of health?”

I grimace and consider not telling him, but he always fucking knows. “I have to go back and get my blood pressure checked again. There was a slight issue.”