As if she needs anything more.

“So now that we’ve got that all handled, are you ladies ready to get the goodies in the ovens.” Gran stands and happily rubs her hands together. “We’ve got orders to fill and people to satisfy.”

All three of us make our way to the kitchen. Three generations of bakers, happily ready to put our talents to work.

And it's all mine…

* * *

“The dress is beautiful,”Grace says in a low tone as she sits at my side. Chloe and I are huddled over in the corner of the living room talking about wedding details. I can’t believe in a little over a week I’ll be marrying Garrett.

I may not have the greatest history with men, but Garrett, he’s amazing. He’s a good man, raised by great people and for the first time in my life I feel one hundred percent safe. He gives me that.

“I love that you went with silver and red as accents. The gold option would have been overpowering,” Chloe says. “The silver bridesmaid dresses are gorgeous and I must tell you thanks once again for not putting us all in something weird and ridiculous. I so would have worn it, but I think I literally sighed in relief.”

I smile, “There is no way I would have put you all in something ugly. Plus the silver matches the ties and vests of all the groomsmen.”

I went with the red color for the flowers and the bow that wraps my waist on my dress. It's also the same color red that Garrett has as his tie and vest.

I’ll admit I am a little nervous since he’s taken over decorating of the reception, but from what Gran has told me he’s been meticulous with every detail.

I glance up to the sound of men laughing and see Garett and Colton laughing at something Mike said.

I’m so thankful every single day that I’m a part of this incredible group. It’s like an army, proud and strong, always on your side, ready to protect and defend at all costs. The love... the incredible devotion, its inspiring and the idea that my future children will grow up with the same love and protection makes me overjoyed. My kids will never go a second without feeling safe and happy.

I’ve learned to forgive my mother for my childhood. I held so much hate for far too long and I had to let it go. Gran, she gave me all she could and I’ll always be grateful to her. Truthfully, I hated Brooklet when I first came, but I was an angry kid. Now, there is no place I’d rather be, it’s home and it always will be.

“Dinner is ready,” Gemma says from the doorway of the dining area, waving for us all to join her.

The space is large, an add-on to their house that normally holds couches and a huge television, a play area for the kids, and a games room for everyone’s enjoyment. Now everything has been removed or placed off to the side to make room for the many tables.

One of the largest buffet areas I have ever seen lines the entire back wall. Every type of food you could imagine is on display and the aroma, mmm, it makes my mouth water.

“What do you think?” Garrett steps up behind me, wrapping his arms around my center and kisses my neck.

“It’s amazing,” I whisper in awe. “Like something you’d see in a magazine.”

“Every year it gets bigger, every year we add to our extended family in some sense and I swear to it, each year Gemma and Bud seem happier.”

“They are truly amazing,” I see Gran and my mother sitting at a table with Garrett’s grandmother. I scan the room watching everyone laugh and smile and tears again fill my eyes. “This is incredible.”

He places a kiss on my neck, just below my ear and I close my eyes to keep the tears from spilling over. “What do you say we find a seat?” He takes my hand in his and I allow Garrett to lead me to a table.





I’ve never seenanything like it.

No, this isn’t my first Gemma Jackson event. I’ve been in Brooklet for several years now, but every single year it hits me all over again. The sense of family, something I never truly felt before settling here.

They accepted me into their fold, they didn't turn their noses up because of my life choice, but embraced them. They embraced me and all my crazy, never making me feel like an outsider.

Each year I look forward to the Christmas gathering. So much chaos that you never know where to focus, and so much happiness that there is no way possible to feel anything other than joy.