It helps that there is so much yummy hotness too.

I still swear to it, that all the hot men reside right here in Brooklet, and one day I’ll find my own cowboy. All rugged, broody and kind, because though these men have that unapproachable look they are loving and honest. I want myself to find one just like them, I deserve it.

With dinner over and all the ladies moving around the room to clean everything up, I offer a hand and get the room all put back together. Normally it serves as the greatest place to gather, one central location where there is something for everyone. Big comfy couches, games for the kids and the bigger kids too. Gemma and Bud wanted it to be a place everyone would want to gather.

With the tall vaulted ceilings, trimmed with wooden beams, contrasted with white walls. A Christmas tree so big that it takes up an entire corner, surrounded by so many gifts they are stacked three and four high.

I’d already picked up on Gracie’s nervousness, she barely ate a thing at dinner. But truth be told, she’s been a little up and down with food anyway.

I watch as Terrance consoles her, whispering in her ear and making her smile.

For years I spent listening to Grace talk about the guy she’d left behind when she’d gone off to school. She tried dating, but I knew what she was doing. She was comparing every single guy she met to Terrance. The girl had given her heart away long before I’d met her and I get to see why now. He loves her, I saw it the very first time he’d looked at me and thought I was her boyfriend she’d brought back home to meet everyone. He wanted to kill me; I was the guy hethoughttook his girl.

She is his world, hell he bought a house, one that was rundown and aged and he spent years building it up to be everything she could ever dream.

Grace has the world at her fingertips and it's all because of Terrance.

“I think Grace has something she wants to give her parents,” Gemma announces from across the room and suddenly Gracie’s face turns red.

“Oh I can wait,” she waves it off.

“Sweetheart if you wait any longer you are going to burst and we all know what happens when you’ve reached your limit.” Gemma laughs.

“Yeah, you spill everything in your head and I don’t know about everyone else but there are some things better left untold.” Rhett dares her to argue and Grace only glares at her brother because she knows it's true.

“Okay,” she finally says as she walks toward the Christmas tree and lifts two boxes up, the same size, just different wrapping paper. When she turns back around she walks toward her parents and holds them out. “These are for you.”

Reed and Kori accept the packages, sharing a look before both finding a place to sit. With a box resting in each of their laps, Grace encourages them to open and we all watch in anticipation.

Reed & Kori

(Rhett and Grace’s Parents)



I still rememberthe first time I saw Rhett. He was so small and instantly I loved him. I didn’t even know him, had never held him or laughed with him, but I knew I wanted him in my life. Whether it be a best friend or even the cool uncle, I couldn’t imagine not being some part of his life.

I fell in love with his mom before I even understood what those feelings truly meant. But I had that same instant connection with Kori that I felt for Rhett. But with Kori I was a young fool that made one really dumb choice that I’ve never stopped regretting. But somehow fate brought her back to me and we’ve built this amazing life together.

The very second the doctor placed Grace in my arms that love I’d felt for Kori and for Rhett overflowed and I was so overwhelmed with such an incredible joy that I broke and stood there in the hospital room holding our daughter looking at my wife and our son and thanked God for the life I’d been blessed with.

I’ve spent every day since protecting and loving them to the best of my ability. I've built a business, one that will financially secure my children’s children and for that I am proud. The fact that I’ve built the business with many of my family and best friends only sweetens the deal.

Now here I am, opening up a present my daughter has given me and I can’t see through the tears.

My baby is having a baby. I refused to think of how that happened because when I do all I want to do is beat Terrance’s ass. In my head a stork will be bringing this sweet bundle to my daughters doorstep. Believe me it's better I act a fool on this account. It’s still hard for me to look at Grace and not want to tuck her away someplace safe and sound.

Kori holds up her own matching shirt and I glance at her to find she too is emotional.

“I knew something was going on with you,” my wife tells our daughter. “You were bursting at the seams and I must say I’m proud you held out this long.”

I turn my shirt around for everyone else in the room to see and suddenly everyone erupts with congratulations and smiles. Hugs passed around and I simply take it all in. My father is here, and he sits on the couch, looking at everyone with a grin so big.Life is good.

Suddenly I feel a tug on my pant leg and look down to see Blake by my side. Immediately lifting his arms up silently asking for me to pick him up. My first grandchild and Papa’s right hand man. He loves to get dirty and be right at my side, pretending to work as hard as I am.

“I see,” he leans forward, grabbing my shirt and I turn it around for him to see. “Me wear.” He pats his chest and I can’t deny him. The best I can with one arm, I help him slide his arms through and then up and over his head.