Again Gran watches me, with her brow arched and my stomach drops.

“I’m just jerking ya boy,” she laughs it off and walks away.

“I’m not sure that’s the wording you meant to use,” I tell her and she looks back offering me a wink.

“It’s exactly the right wording.” She scans over my body and all I can do is laugh. The woman has no shame. She is a ball of energy, ornery as the worst of them and there isn’t a shy bone in her body. She keeps us all young, reminding us all to enjoy every moment we can. She also makes it impossible to stay in a bad mood, because she always a jokester.

Kyra and I are getting married on New Year's Eve. The ceremony will be at the church and then the reception is being held at one of the many properties Reed’s Construction has built for the town of Brooklet. It’s a venue that is rentable and holds many of the towns big events. Weddings, anniversaries, school graduations, both middle school and high school. It’s large enough to fit most of the town, but quaint and intimate with its design and setup.

It’s true, I do want it to be perfect, but not because Kyra is upset. She deserves the perfect day and I’ll do all I can to give her that. We will end the year as two and begin the new as one. I couldn’t think of a more perfect way to celebrate our next chapter, surrounded by all our family and friends.

* * *

Kyra leansacross the cab of the truck, kissing me before grabbing her bag. “Can you be back to get me at noon?”

“I’ll be here,” I assure her, stealing one more kiss.

“I want to go home and shower and change before we have to be over at Gemma and Buds for Christmas dinner.” There will be enough food to feed an army, enough laughter to last a lifetime and just the right amount of chaos to keep things interesting. “Are you sure I shouldn't bring a couple pies?”

“Considering that they’ve already preordered the pies for this event several weeks in advance you bringing more would only be overkill.” She only stares at me and I know what she is thinking. It's the same thing that runs through her mind at every gathering. She feels like showing up without something is rude.

Her little bakers mind, playing tricks on her again.

“Rolls,” she says, worrying her lips.

“I think fresh baked rolls would be a great touch, or even some of those mini cookies, then people could snack on those throughout the day. Plus they store well too.” She smiles and I know my job is done. My girl wouldn’t have been happy to show up empty handed, it's not in her nature.

“Okay,” she is definitely more cheery than she was only moments ago. “Noon?”

“I’ll be here at noon,” I assure her and she opens the door and climbs out. Offering me a little wave she practically skips into Sugarland and I quickly text my mother telling her to let Gemma know that the rolls and cookies will be coming.

Me: Kyra insisted on bringing something, we decided on fresh rolls and mini cookies.

Mom: Sweet Kyra, she is such a doll.

Every single time we go to my parents my fiancée insists on bringing something sweet. My father loves it, my mother too, but as she puts it her waistline is paying for the fact that she has a soon to be daughter-in-law that can bake like a dream.

Me: Even if they aren’t needed, please make sure that they get put out for dinner and on the desert table.

Mom: Will do, I will pass the word along to Aunt Kori.

I toss my phone into the passenger seat and put my truck in drive. Making my way across town, I swing into Porter's jewelry and find the first available parking space.

As I walk up the sidewalk toward the front entrance I offer a few waves to people I know and get stopped in front of the Deli by Rufus Jenkins.

“Do you think I have an electrical problem?” He asks, pushing his glasses up on his nose. “I ran all those lights, used the specialty cords with those surge protectors and everything. I have the reindeer and Santa, even frosty and grinch near the front door, and I flipped the switch and nothing happened.” He tosses his hands upward in a huff. “Not a twinkle, not a flash, nothing, I figure there’s got to be a faulty cord.”

“Or you overloaded the breaker.”

“The breaker?” He asks.

“Yeah, if you have too much on one breaker and it can’t handle it.”

“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” he stares at me like I’ve lost my mind.

“Okay, I’ve got to run over to Porter’s then maybe I can swing by.” I already knew that I’d regret it later. But telling Rufus the do’s and don’ts of running Christmas lights and outdoor ornaments all connected by extension cords to the same outlets seems like a waste. He doesn’t get it, but as I walk away ensuring him I’d be over within the hour I wonder if I’d just been played.

The bell rings above the door of the jewelry store announcing my entry and everyone inside looks up. Clara behind the counter offers me a wave and then walks over t0 the safe to gather the item I’ve come to get.