Kyra stopped one morning after breakfast outside the front window a little over a month ago to admire a dainty diamond necklace. The way her face lit up I knew I had to get it for her. I also know that my girl snoops, so there is no way I considered hiding it at our place. Instead I asked Mr. Porter’s daughter Clara to hold it in the safe for me.

“Here you go,” she lifts the necklace out of the box and holds it out for me to inspect.

“She’s gonna love it,” she fell in love with it through the windows, upon first glance.

“It's the only one we had of its kind, so she'll be the only one in Brooklet with it for sure.”

“Thank you for holding it for me.”

“Of course,” she smiles, lowering it back into the box, before closing the lid. “The big day is almost here,” she adds. “Are you nervous?”

“Not even a little.” I state without hesitation. “I’m marrying my best friend, what do I possibly have to be nervous about.”

Offering a smile, I pick up the box and tuck it in my pocket before saying my goodbyes. Now it's time to get Rufus set up.

Lord help me!



“What’s this?”I ask as I hold the envelope in my hand and look between my mother and my grandmother. Both of them are sitting opposite me, at a small table in the dining area of Sugarland. It’s still too early to open, the sun has barely risen. We still have a couple hours of prep prior to unlocking the doors and the idea of everything that still needs to be done is running through my mind.

“Open it,” my mom directs, regaining my attention.

My pulse quickens, I’m not really great with surprises. From past experiences surprises have always gone awry.

“Girl it’s not gonna bite you,” Gran says with a laugh. “I figured I’d leave the biting and nibbling to your fiancé.” With a wink I can’t help but roll my eyes. Gran’s never shy with her appreciation of Garrett and all the other men for that matter. I still think she has a really special spot for Terrance, he can walk into a room and she drops everything to rush over to him. Granted I do think it's because his grandmother and her were great friends but also because of all the hell he’d gone through with his dad.

She shivers, as if lost in thought and to regain her full focus I tear open the envelope.

I try not to make it obvious that my heart beats rapidly and my nerves are through the roof. Reaching inside I pull out the pamphlet or paperwork and notice the attorney’s name at the top.

“Are you suing me?”

Both my mom and Gran laugh, but I’m afraid to look down.

“No child,” Gran laughs, “it's all yours.”

“What’s mine?”

She waves her hand around the space, the smile never leaving her face. “Of course I will stay on, because I don’t think I could live without coming into Sugarland every day. But I’ve signed everything over to you. The building, we just need to go by the bank and finalize the accounts. They need copies of your license and your signature.

“But,” the realization of what I hold in my hand is so overwhelming. “I just,” again I am at a loss of words.

“It’s all yours,” Gran repeats, reaching out to place her hand over mine. “There isn’t anyone I trust more with everything I’ve built than you.” I glance at my mother and she doesn’t seem saddened by Gran’s words.

“I know you love this place as much as me. I know that with you it's safe, it will carry on and the heart of its existence will always remain.”

“I don’t know what to say.” I take in a shuddering breath.

“You tell me that I’ve been right all along and that Sugarland will carry on for years and years after I’m gone.”

“Forever,” I say through the emotional impact this has inflicted. My chest burns and tears roll over my cheeks. “I promise,” I add.

“And I was right,” she encourages me with a wave of her hand and I laugh.

“And you are right.” I say. “Gran is always right.” I give her this, knowing she’ll love the extra boost to her ego.