“I want my body!” Vree’s high voice came from the cockpit.

“It went back to theDaredevilwith Mol-Lee, little bud,” Kirel said. “I’ll put you in it as soon as possible.”

“I was quiet and good and didn’t let them know I was smart.”

“You were the best,” Kirel agreed.

“No, me best!”Lila said in my mind.“Me stop bad lizard.”

“You sure did, niña. You were amazing.”I scratched under her chin, enjoying when she began to purr.

But my eyes kept returning to where Sron worked on Raxnor.

Once we were away from the mining facility and could move around safely, Sul made everyone eat a protein bar and drink some water. We stripped off our spacesuits and took a moment to use the bathroom. Then Tark handed me some spare clothes and told me to go ahead and use the shower. He cut Raxnor a sly grin as he did so. What were they up to?

I washed quickly and pulled on the set of stretchy blue lounge clothes made human sized. By the time I got back to the main cabin, Sron had cut the spacesuit from Raxnor and sliced off the damaged pant leg so he could get to the gashes on Raxnor’s thigh. The medic irrigated them, which made them start to bleed again. Then he pulled out something that looked like a staple gun. “This is going to hurt.”

“Just do it,” Raxnor growled.

I couldn’t watch, so I stood by Raxnor’s head with one of his hands clutched in mine. His expression never wavered, but I flinched every single time the suture gun made a soft click.Yep. He’s still dialing the stoic all the way up.

Sron applied a smooth white bandage over Raxnor’s purple thigh. “This is waterproof and should stand up to most activity.”

“We all know what kind of activity you mean!” Tark crowed, wiggling his eyebrows.

Sul’s laughter boomed through the main cabin.

Sron’s lips twitched. “I’d say I want you to spend the night in med bay, but I imagine you won’t do it.”

“You got that right,” Raxnor said, his eyes hot on me as he ducked into the bathroom for his own shower.

A frisson of awareness zipped through my body. I couldn’t wait for the mating bond.

Hazel, Mollie, and Glitter waited in the shuttle bay, Hazel holding Vree’s purple dog body. Kirel slotted the hard drive into place, and Vree gave an excited yip and dashed around all of us in a circle. “Look at me! I’m not disguised any more!”

“Me no want disguise!”Lila complained in my mind.“Me want be purple!”

Oh, boy. Here came the bath neither of us wanted to happen.

“I fix!”Glitter launched from Mollie’s shoulder to disappear for a moment, and a puff of black dust billowed outward from Lila before disappearing.

“We’re both purple again!” Vree called out and took off running across the shuttle bay.

Lila darted after him, happy play thoughts echoing in my head, and Glitter followed. “Thank you, Glitter!” I yelled as they disappeared around the end of a shuttle.

The women greeted me with quick hugs, clearly eager to fuss over their husbands.

Raxnor stopped Mollie for one extra moment to ask, “You didn’t have any trouble, did you?”

“Oh, they sent a couple of combat shuttles out to look for me.” She hooked a thumb toward her chest. “I flew rings around them.”

“Isn’t theDartstealthed?” I asked.

“It’s stealthed against scans,” Tark said. “It’s still visible to the naked eye if someone gets close enough.”

Mollie grinned. “They didn’t get close enough.”

“Good job.” Raxnor gave her an approving nod. “They may be new allies, but the Tula aren’t trustworthy. No need to spill all our secrets.”