
“Friend no go bad place!”

It worked. The flash of pain pulled me out of my shock, allowing me to register Raxnor fighting. He’d waded into the middle of the lizards who’d made it into the room. Too close for guns, they now fought hand to hand.

He spun and leaped and struck, doing everything he could to keep himself between me and them, even if it put him at a disadvantage.

Raxnor was amazing, his body an expression of power and grace.

And he fought forme.

I’m not alone.



Frek! Zo-Fee tried to duck out of sight, but the stupid frekking printers offered little protection. She was still far too exposed.

My teeth ground together as my mind replayed that first shot aimed straight at her. If not for Glitter and Lila…

I shook off the memory and blocked a punch.

Tark pressed up against the wall, making himself the smallest target possible. He lay down suppressive fire to keep more Tula from making it through the doorway. Each shot cut through the air with a high whine.

But several of the lizards still made it through. I’d knocked out two, only to have them replaced by three more.

More sounds of shots and fighting came from the other side of the room, but I couldn’t tear my eyes away from my opponents. Sul and Kirel were both excellent warriors. I trusted them to do everything they could.

The lizard in front of me hissed, trying to catch my attention as the one on the left pivoted, his thick tail swiping for my legs.

I leaped.

But the Tula on my right used the distraction to dodge past me, trying to get to my mate.

A protective rage exploded inside me like a volcano woken to sudden fury, and the world washed red.


I roared. My body twisted in midair. My fist lashed out as I came down, and I put all my bodyweight behind the punch. It snapped the lizard’s head down with a sharp crack that flared pain through my knuckles.

But my opponent backed off, shaking her head.

My mate was safe for a few more seconds.

Then all three were on me again.

My fist thumped into one lizard’s stomach.

Another one snapped his jaws at me and hit my shoulder in a meaty thwack that made my bones ache.

I tore off my helmet and banged it against the lizard’s skull like a gong before pivoting to throw it at one of the others. She batted the transparent globe out of the air, sending it flying to the floor with a crack.

More yells and thumps came from behind me. It didn’t sound good.

Another Tula made it through the door, using the body of another guard Tark had already stunned as a shield. More waited behind her.
