A shiver of ice joined the anger boiling in my veins. Cold practicality kicked in, telling me we were too outnumbered. We weren’t going to win this.

I won’t be able to protect my mate.

No!The rage burned hotter, wiping away everything but the need to protect.

A lizard stepped close, swiping at me.

I blocked and stomped down on his bare foot.

He bellowed, his neck pouch flaring outward in a yellow balloon—vulnerable.

I lowered my head and thrust, my upper horns puncturing the pouch in a hiss of air.

The Tula squawked, his paws scrabbling at my shoulders, fighting to shove me away.

Which was perfect. I didn’t want to be immobilized so my other opponents could close in. I ripped free and whirled, blocking the blow aimed at my face by the on the right.

But there were three of them, and they were tough as fuck.

I spun to duck the punch of the one on my left, and another one struck, her thick tail swiping for my calves.

I leaped, and the first Tula slashed his claws across my thigh as I hung in midair, unable to get away. Fiery pain tore across my nerves. I panted.

I landed in a crouch, my spacesuit cut to ribbons that ran red.

The other lizards closed in, even as Tark was busy stunning two more trying to make it through the door.

Two kept me busy while the third darted past, heading for Zo-Fee.

I roared and dove, tackling his legs. We went down in a flurry of limbs that left my back exposed.

The other two piled on top of me, and the last thing I saw was my mate’s sweet face twisted in horror.



“Dios mío, no! Raxnor!” I jumped to my feet and pulled out my blaster as he disappeared under the weight of three of the lizards.

I shot again and again at the green and gold mass of them, but they kept moving.

Mierda! Just how fucking tough were these assholes?

A sob tore from my throat, but I kept on shooting.

I refused to believe I’d never be able to tell Raxnor I loved him.

More Tula spilled through the doorway as Tark’s blasters ran out of charge. I couldn’t let them get to Raxnor. I raised my gun and shot and shot, the high whines singing in my ears.

“Enough!” a voice boomed from the speakers overhead.

All of the people in the room froze, but the printers kept going, the movement of their arms a distraction in my peripheral vision.

“We have you outnumbered and surrounded,” the voice said. “Continuing to fight is pointless.”

“Not when it’s frekking fun,” Sul muttered over comms.

The pile of bodies on top of Raxnor remained still,toostill.