‘I’ll make us some coffee if you like? Or did you want to go and have a lie-down? You do know you don’t have to help out with the morning’s baking. I don’t expect any of my volunteers to get up so early.’ Elsie straightened her back and closed the oven door. ‘Your trip down here is as much about you having a holiday from normal life and routine. You don’t want to go back more exhausted than when you arrived.
‘I’m okay, thanks. I like getting up early and helping.’ Tammy stifled another yawn. It was her own fault she was so tired. She and Josh had spent the evening chatting on the beach, unaware of the time.
‘I’ll grab the coffees.’ Teresa finished sliding freshly baked pasties onto the cooling rack.
‘Okay, thanks love.’ Elsie stopped by the shelves at the back of the kitchen and began rummaging through a pile of papers before looking down and pinching the bridge of her nose.
‘Everything okay?’ Teresa looked over at her, cafetière in hand.
‘Yes, love. I was just looking for a list I’d written. I’d planned everything we needed to bake for Ian’s party tomorrow and I can’t find it anywhere. I’m sure I hid it beneath these papers up here.’
‘Oh, I think I’ve seen that.’ Teresa lowered the cafetière to the work surface and joined Elsie at the back of the kitchen. ‘I think it had been slipped inside the diary. Yep, here you go.’
‘Oh, thanks, love.’ Taking the piece of paper from Teresa’s hand, Elsie unfolded it and laid it on the table, smoothing out the creases.
‘Wow, that looks a lot.’ Teresa leaned across, reading it.
‘I know, but we could potentially have most of the bay turning up at different times throughout the evening. Everyone knows Ian and the last thing I want is for people to arrive and there be only scraps of food left.’ Elsie frowned.
‘That’s true. I keep thinking it’s just going to be the bakery family, but of course, others are likely to want to come and celebrate his retirement with him.’ Teresa nodded.
‘Yes, and I know it’s more work for us, but I hope they do. For Ian.’
‘I’m sure they will, and I’m sure the party will be a roaring success.’
‘Oh, I do hope so. Ian only deserves the best after dedicating his working life to keeping our waters safe. ‘
‘And he’ll have the best.’ Teresa wrapped her arm around Elsie’s shoulder and smiled. ‘In fact, by luck, I think Molly mentioned they didn’t have any clients booked in for today, so they were free to help prepare for the party.’
‘Really? Well, that is music to my ears. What with Brooke being off still, maybe Molly could help Diane and Wendy could join us back here to help bake the party food.’ Elsie smiled and tapped her fingers against the list. ‘Yes, that could work.’
‘There you go, then. Everything’s sorted.’ Teresa grinned and returned to making the coffees.
‘Oh, but what about the decorating? I can’t expect poor Josh to be lumbered with it all. He’s got his own work to do.’
‘I can go round and help him after the bakery closes.’ Tammy poured sugar into the bowl.
‘No, I can’t ask you to do that. You’re tired already.’
‘Honestly, it’s fine. I’d like to.’ Tammy nodded.
‘Really? He’s a good man Josh is, isn’t he?’
‘He sure is.’ Tammy could feel a smile stretching at the corners of her mouth. She’d had so much fun the past few days that any doubts she’d had about not trusting another man again had all but disappeared.
Elsie smiled and nodded. ‘You suit each other.’
Tammy grinned a little harder. Elsie was right. They seemed to. ‘Thanks.’
TAMMY PAUSED AND LOOKEDdown at the sea lapping at the rocks against the edge of the rocky pathway across to the lighthouse. She wished she’d taken the time to change into her trainers instead of keeping on her comfy ballet pumps she’d been wearing all day, but she’d been so eager to see Josh before everyone else arrived to help with the decorations that she’d rushed out of the bakery shortly after closing time without thinking.
‘Hey, careful in those shoes. They don’t look as though they’ve got any grip at all.’ Josh’s voice wafted towards her.
Looking up, she grinned as she watched him walking towards her, his strides across the rocky path confident and self-assured. She took his out-stretched hand and closed her fingers around his. ‘Thanks. No, they haven’t. I completely forgot to change into my trainers.’
‘Well, just go careful.’ Holding her hand to the end of the pathway, he pulled her into the lighthouse and wrapped his arms around her. ‘It’s good to see you.’