Smiling, she looked across at him. The door to the larder was ajar and a slither of light from the bakery seeped through, highlighting Josh’s face. Lowering her head again, she reached under the shelf to scoop up the stray chocolate drops which had scattered under there. ‘I can’t quite reach them. I can feel there’re more under here, but they’re too far back.’

‘Let me.’ Leaning forward, he pushed his arm under the shelf and pulled it out again.


‘Got them.’ Just as he straightened up again, his head collided with hers.


‘Sorry.’ Tipping the chocolate drops from his hand into the container, he reached his hand to her forehead, running his fingers across her skin. Leaning forward, he kissed her on the forehead.

Looking up at him, she looked into his eyes before leaning forward, their lips touching.

‘Are you sure you don’t need any help in there, Tammy?’ Ian called again.

Glancing down, Tammy grinned, her shoulders shaking as she tried not to laugh. ‘It’s all good, thanks. Almost finished.’


She waited until Ian and Elsie’s conversation started up again before meeting Josh’s gaze once more and pecking him on the lips before standing up and making her way back into the bakery.

‘Got them all?’

‘Yes.’ Tammy patted the container in her arms.

‘What about the flour?’ Ian frowned.

‘Oh right, of course. The flour.’ turning back, Tammy headed back to the larder.

Chapter Fifteen

Tammy leaned the woodenspoon against the mixing bowl and yawned into her elbow.

‘Are you tired, love?’ Elsie looked up from where she was putting some rolls into the oven.
