‘Nah, it’s temporary, isn’t it? It’s completely different to just taking a chance and moving.’ She frowned. It was temporary. She wasn’t here for long. She shook her head and forced herself to smile. She wasn’t going to spoil a perfectly lovely day by thinking about what might or might not happen in the future. They were here now and enjoying themselves. That was all that mattered. And Josh was right, long-distance relationships weren’t the worst thing. They’d be perfectly fine if they were still together when she left.

‘How do you fancy going to get a coffee? I’m sure I saw a cafe listed on the information board in the car park.’

‘I think that sounds like a great idea.’ She grinned before looking around. She couldn’t even see the jetty where they’d pushed off from. ‘I have no idea where we are, though.’

Josh straightened his back and twisted around, searching the banks of the lake. ‘Ah, neither do I.’

‘Where shall I row us to?’

‘I vote we choose a direction and head that way.’ He held his hands out.

‘Haha, I guess that’s as good a solution as any. And I suppose if we get to the bank, we can just row along to find the jetty.’

‘Yep, that’s the plan.’ He grinned.

Chapter Fourteen

‘Morning, Tammy.’ Dianeclosed the bakery door behind her and slipped out of her coat. ‘It looks as though it’s going to rain out there today. The clouds are really grey.’

‘Hi. Ah, do you think we’ll be quieter today, then? Will people stay at home?’ Tammy slid a tray of freshly iced cupcakes behind the glass off the counter.

‘Don’t count on it.’ Diane grinned. ‘If people are down here for their holiday, then they’ll visit whether or not it’s chucking it down. If anything, we might just be a little busier on the coffee and cake counter than anything else.’

‘Oh, okay.’

‘Anyway, enough of the weather talk.’ Diane slipped her apron over her head. ‘Tell me how your date with Josh went? Where did you go? What did you do?’

Tammy grinned. ‘We went to the nature reserve and went rowing on the lake.’

‘Ooh very romantic.’

‘It was. We had a walk after and finished up at the café for coffee and cake.’ Tammy looked towards the door as Brooke, Molly and Wendy walked in. ‘Morning.’

‘Morning. Yuck, it’s going to rain and we’re going to be super busy today, aren’t we?’ Brooke frowned.

‘Probably. What’s the matter?’ Diane looked across at her, concern etched across her face. ‘You usually love it when it’s busier.’