‘I know. I’m just not feeling that great. I didn’t get much sleep last night and have a banging headache this morning.’ Brooke lowered her bag onto the top of the counter and pinched the bridge of her nose. ‘Sorry, ignore me.’

‘Aw, I hope you’re not coming down with the bug that Hudson had.’ Wendy frowned and rubbed Brooke on the back.

‘I’ll be okay.’ Brooke shook her head. ‘I probably just need a coffee.’

‘Why don’t you go home if you’re not feeling well?’ Diane frowned.

‘No, I’ll be fine.’ Brooke slipped out of her coat and hung it up.

‘Morning, everyone.’ Elsie bustled in from the kitchen carrying two trays brimming with pasties.

‘Morning. Looks like rain today.’ Ian hurried behind her, carrying another two trays. ‘Brooke, love. Are you feeling okay? You don’t look as though you’ve had an ounce of sleep last night.’

‘I’m okay.’ Brooke smiled weakly.

‘No, she’s not. She’s not feeling well.’ Diane mouthed ‘sorry’ to Brooke.

‘Oh, love, you shouldn’t be here then. Why didn’t you call in sick?’ Elsie placed the trays down and held the back of her hand against Brooke’s forehead. ‘You’re burning up, love.’

‘It might be the bug that Hudson had then. His started out with a temperature. Sorry.’ Wendy looked down.

‘Don’t be daft, Wendy, love. Like I said to you before, if we’re going to get something, we’ll get it. We’re surrounded by enough people coming and going each day.’ Elsie turned to Brooke. ‘Go on home., love, and get some rest.’

‘Yep, no arguments.’ Ian put his trays down and picked up Brooke’s coat, holding it open for her. ‘I’ll take you home ‘

‘No, you don’t have to do that.’ Brooke shrugged into her coat.

‘Oh, I know I don’t, but I want to. It’s a grandfatherly duty, anyway.’ Ian grinned and held the door open for her. ‘And once I’ve got you set up in front of the TV with a blanket and hot chocolate, I’ll come back and help out behind the counter.’

‘Hope you feel better soon, Brooke.’ Diane called as the front door closed behind them.

‘Right, we’d better open up.’ Elsie turned the sign in the window fromClosedtoOpenbefore turning to Wendy and Molly. ‘How are you two set up for this morning? Is there any chance one of you could cover for Brooke until Ian gets back, please?’

‘I think we’ve got clients. I’ll check though, I might have it wrong and they might be scheduled in for ten.’ Molly pulled a purple diary from her bag and flicked through the pages. ‘Sorry, they’re due in first thing.’

‘No worries, loves, we’ll cope.’

‘I can cover if you like?’ Tammy glanced at the bakery counter. As much as she loved baking in the kitchen with Elsie, half an hour behind the counter and meeting the customers sounded like fun.

‘Are you sure?’ Elsie looked at her.

‘Yes, of course.’ Twisting around, Tammy checked the large clock on the wall behind the counter. ‘I put some rolls in the oven which are due out any time now, so I’ll run and take those out first.’

‘Don’t worry, love. I can do that. Thank you.’ Elsie smiled before hurrying back through the kitchen door.

Picking up the trays Ian had abandoned on the counter, Tammy slid them behind the glass and looked across at the till.

‘Do you want me to show you how to use it?’ Diane joined her behind the counter.

‘I think I should be okay. It looks like the ones at the garden centre where I used to work. Although I didn’t go on the till much, only when it was super busy and I was called away from dealing with the plants, so I might shout if I need help.’

‘No worries.’ Diane grinned as the first customer walked through the door.


‘THANK YOU. HOPE YOUenjoy.’ Passing over a bag of rolls, Tammy waved to the small toddler the woman was carrying before turning to the next customer in line. ‘Josh!’

‘Morning!’ Stopping in front of her, Josh smiled. ‘I thought I’d pop by and see if you had any plans for lunch.’