Page 3 of Country Mist

“It’s always nice to be told things like that.” Haylee punched the button. “I hate to hear when stars are jerks.”

Jen used a card that allowed her to select the penthouse, and then the elevator began moving.

Haylee glanced at her friend, who, at five-ten, stood at least five inches taller. “How did you meet him?”

“An old college friend introduced us.” The elevator car stopped at the penthouse suite floor and opened into a large foyer where an enormous vase of fresh flowers graced a circular table.

A doorman stood at the entrance, and Jen showed him her ID. He checked his electronic device and let them into the suite.

It was beautiful. Mostly creams and taupes with vases of flowers everywhere.

About fifteen or so people mingled, and Haylee was surprised at the laid-back vibe in the suite, far different than the party they had just come from.

“There he is.” Jen guided her over to the easily recognizable country music superstar.

Haylee tried not to look at him like a starstruck teenager when they reached him. She was a little starstruck, so it wasn’t easy.

“How are you, Jen?” Kade enveloped her in a hug. “It’s darn good to see you.”

He turned to Haylee and held out his hand. “I’m Kade Fields.”

“Haylee McLeod.” She liked his firm grip. He was so incredibly good-looking, with brown hair and blue eyes. “I hope you don’t mind me crashing your party.”

He grinned. “The more the merrier.” He glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll introduce you both to my uncle.”

Jen and Haylee turned to face the entrance. Haylee tried not to scowl when she saw Tyson standing next to Henry Goldman. The elderly man was a close friend of her family’s.

Kade strode toward the men. “Meet my Uncle Henry.” He, in turn, introduced Haylee and Jen.

“I’m well acquainted with this young lady.” Henry smiled kindly at Haylee.

She kissed his cheek. “Hello, Henry,”

Henry greeted Jen then introduced Tyson to Kade.

After introductions, Kade said, “The party’s winding down. I know you just got here, but I’m starving. Would anyone care to have dinner with me and Uncle Henry in the Atrium Restaurant?”

“I wish I could, but I’m going out for a bite with my boyfriend.” Jen looked apologetic. “Haylee’s free. I’m sure she’d love to go.” She turned to Henry. “Would you mind taking her home?”

“Of course, I’ll take good care of the young lady.” Henry gave her a nod and a smile.

Haylee could have kicked Jen. Instead, she smiled and said, “Thank you, Henry.” She turned to the country music star. “I’d love to go to dinner with you, Kade.”

“How about you, Tyson?” Kade asked.

Say no, say no, say no, Haylee pleaded in her mind.

“Mighty kind of you to ask.” Tyson gave a nod. “I’d be delighted.”

Mentally, Haylee groaned but thought she did a great job of smiling on the outside. She intended to enjoy herself despite Tyson’s presence.

Jen hugged Haylee, blew kisses at everyone, and sailed out of the suite.

Kade took Haylee’s arm and escorted her from the penthouse to the restaurant, Henry and Tyson walking behind them. Once they were shown to their table, Kade seated her, and she found herself between him and Tyson. Both were exceedingly handsome men, but for some darn reason, she was more aware of Tyson next to her than Kade. But she did her best to focus on the entertainer.

Kade was enjoyable to talk with, down-to-earth and personable. She figured everyone wanted to know about his life as a superstar, so she asked him if he had a dog and where he grew up. Kade answered her questions and asked some of his own. He included Tyson in the conversation, as well as Henry.

Haylee enjoyed herself at dinner despite Tyson being there. By night’s end, though, she wasn’t quite as ticked at him as earlier. She could never stay too mad for long. Still, she’d be glad to see the last of him, at least for now. She’d be bound to run into him in a town as small as King Creek.