As they left the restaurant, Henry took a call and walked away for a few moments. When he returned, he wore a serious expression. “My sister up in Prescott has hurt her leg, and I’ve got to go check on things for her.” He looked to Tyson. “Mind taking Haylee home?”
Haylee did groan this time, but fortunately, Tyson was speaking, so she didn’t think any of the men had heard her.
“Not a problem.” Tyson turned his intense blue gaze on her, and the corner of his mouth curved into a devastatingly sensual smile that made her shiver despite everything. “I’d be happy to,” he added in his deep, sexy voice.
Haylee swallowed and concentrated on her irritation with the man. She did not want to be in a car with him for a whole hour. She did understand Henry’s situation, but it didn’t make her like it any better.
They said goodbye to Kade outside the elevators, and he gave Haylee a hug and a kiss on the cheek. He was a good man, a real good man.
Henry and Tyson talked in the elevator on the way down, and Haylee tuned them out, her mind on her showing at the Scottsdale art gallery tomorrow evening. She had so much to do to prepare.
The doorman held open the tall brass and glass doors as they walked out of the casino into the October Phoenix night. Haylee shifted her purse strap on her shoulder then rubbed her bare arms with her palms. It was barely in the low sixties, but she’d forgotten to bring a light sweater, and the breeze felt cool on her flesh.
Henry gave his ticket to the valet, who took off to retrieve his truck.
“I’m parked in the south lot.” Tyson inclined his head in that direction. “Thanks for inviting me out tonight.”
“My pleasure.” Henry smiled and gave a nod. “Be thinking about my proposal.”
Tyson shook his head but returned Henry’s smile. “I’ll let you know.”
Haylee hugged Henry and kissed his cheek before she fell into step beside Tyson and headed toward the lot where he’d parked his vehicle.
And to what might be a very long drive home.
Haylee and Tyson walked in silence, then he looked down at her and smiled. “You’re none too pleased about being handed off to me.”
She raised an eyebrow. “Should I be?”
He gave a grin so sexy it made her catch her breath. “I’ll get you straight home.”
Tyson escorted her to the passenger side of a Ford king-cab truck that looked indigo in the parking lot’s lights. His touch seared her elbow as he assisted her in climbing into the vehicle. She didn’t take offense at his assumption—she’d grown up with cowboys, and they tended to be a gentlemanly lot.
He strode around the front of the vehicle, and she shivered in the cab that had grown cold during the evening. She put her purse in her lap and rubbed her arms again as he climbed in and shut the door behind him.
“Cold?” He inserted the key in the ignition and started the vehicle, the big motor coming to life. “I can turn on the heater.”
“Just a touch.” She put on her seatbelt. “It won’t take much.” He switched on the heater, and she leaned against the cool leather. “I haven’t gotten used to the change in weather.”
He put the truck into gear and drove the truck through the lot. “You’re not wearing enough to keep from catching a chill.”
“You sound like my mom,” she murmured.
He chuckled. “First, I acted like your brothers, and now I’m like your mom. I might as well be family.”
She shifted in her seat and studied him. “Why did you come in out of the blue and start a fight with those men? We were just talking.”
He glanced from the road and gave her a pointed look. “I seem to remember being told they were there first. That sounds like they thought you were doing more than talking.”
Heat burned under her skin at the memory. God, that had pissed her off. “That doesn’t answer my question.”
Tyson blew out his breath and stared at the road as he guided the vehicle onto the freeway and into the middle lane. He glanced at her before looking ahead again. “When I was in the restroom, those two asses made a bet on who’d get a certain blonde into bed first, and then they’d share her.” He glanced at her. “Then I saw them with you.”
Haylee’s cheeks flushed hot. “I would have handled them just fine and sent them packing. I didn’t need you jumping in and playing hero.”
“What if they got you alone before you found out what they had in mind?” Tyson pushed harder. “They could have taken advantage of you.”