Page 6 of Country Mist

She would have rolled her eyes as he jogged around the front of the vehicle, but she was used to it. He helped her out of the truck, and his grip felt warm and comfortable as she stepped onto the sidewalk. He closed the door behind her.

She tilted her head back to look up at him. “I appreciate the ride.”

“Anytime.” He studied her with a long, thoughtful look as if deciding whether or not to kiss her.

Whoa there, girl. It was just a ride. He probably had no such thoughts.

Or had he?

Haylee stepped back and smiled. “Thank you.” She turned, and her heels clicked loudly in the quiet night as she hurried up the walkway then up the creaking wood steps to her home. No doubt he was watching her to make sure she made it through the door safe and sound.

The screen door screeched as she opened it. She made quick work of the lock and looked back over her shoulder at Tyson. He was still there, watching her, leaning back against the truck, his hands in his front pockets.

A shiver went through her, and butterflies fluttered within.

She raised her hand in a farewell, then entered the house. She closed the door, rested her back against it, and held her hand to her heart.

What the hell just happened?

Her irritation with him all night turned into a strong attraction after the ride.

“If I hadn’t seen you leave with Jen, I would have thought you just came home from a date.” Leann’s sunny voice startled Haylee into dropping her purse. It hit the tile floor with a muted thunk.

Haylee scooped it up. “Tyson Donovan just gave me a ride home since Jen left early.”

“Oh, really?” Leeann took her by the arm and led her to the living room couch. “Sit and tell all.”

“Did I hear the name Tyson Donovan?” In her Snoopy PJs, Jill strolled through the archway that led into the kitchen. “God, what a man.”

“Ditto.” Leeann, wearing a robe and bunny slippers, plopped into an armchair. “Go on. Sit, Haylee.”

Jill perched on the arm of the chair Leeann had settled into, and Haylee dropped onto the couch and fell against the cushions.

“Not much to tell.” She set her purse beside her on the pillow. “First thing he did was tick me off, and I told him where he could shove it.”

Leeann’s jaw dropped, and Jill laughed. “I wanna hear this story.”

Haylee didn’t leave anything out. She shrugged. “Maybe I was too hard on him.”

Jill grinned. “Cowboy to the rescue. I think that was rather heroic of him.”

Leeann nodded her agreement. “I know you can take care of yourself, but we’re talking two men. I’m glad he stepped in.”

“You’re probably right.” Haylee sighed as her thoughts turned to the man himself. “Tyson is a lot hotter than I’ve ever noticed before.”

“How could you not have noticed?” Leeann fanned herself. “You were pretty young when he hung out with Bear and Brady in high school.”

“I was such a tomboy that I wasn’t interested in boys yet.” She grinned. “I’m a late bloomer.”

“Better late than never.” Jill pushed locks of her long, wavy dark hair aside and moved over to the couch, where Haylee sat. “Thing is, what are you going to do about it?”

“No clue.” Haylee sighed. “I’ve never had to chase a guy before.”

The memory of Danny Ames flashed through her mind, giving her pause. She hadn’t wanted to date anyone since his death just over a year ago. Was she even ready yet?

“I know what.” Leeann straightened in her seat, her words knocking Haylee out of her thoughts. “How about the fall barn dance at the Woodson’s next Saturday? You could ask him to do that.”

Haylee had that swooping sensation inside again as she considered dating again. “What if he’s already going with someone? A cowboy that hot has a girl in every stable.”